Period: to
Haitian Revolution
Thomas Jefferson elected President
Revolution of 1800
Gabriel’s Rebellion
Period: to
Sedition & Alien Acts expired
US purchases Louisiana Territory from French for $15 million
British outlaw slavery
Embargo Act
British attack USS Chesapeake
First commercial steamboat service up and down Hudson River
Ban on slave importation
Battle of Tippecanoe
War of 1812 between US and Britain
US Launched first offensive against Canada – Detroit & Michigan Territory
371-ton steam ship called the New Orleans able to sail down and UP the Mississippi River
Napoleon defeated
Washington D.C. burned
Treaty of Ghent
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Discovery of Gossypium barbadense—often called Petit Gulf cotton
Missouri Compromise
Period: to
5 million immigrants arrived in US
Mexico independence from Spain
Monroe Doctrine
John Quincy Adams elected President
Erie Canal completed
Carpenters Union formed
First US long distance rail line (B&O Rail Company)
Andrew Jackson elected President
Tariff of Abominations
Period: to
Nullification Crisis
David Walker writes "Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World"
Book of Mormon published by Joseph Smith
Indian Removal Act
Black Hawk War
Martin Van Buren became President
Treaty of New Echota
Period: to
Texas Revolution
Unitarians founded the Transcendental Club
Great Petition Campaign
Texas independence from Mexico
Panic of 1837
Trail of Tears
Political abolitionists formed the Liberty Party
Ten-Hour Movement
John Tyler becomes President
President John Tyler dies
Child Labor became dominant issue
Samuel Morse persuaded congress to fund 40 mile telegraph line
Manifest Destiny
Texas joins United States
Mr. Polk’s War
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Gold discovered in California
Fugitive Slave Act
Harriet Beecher Stowe published her best-selling antislavery novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
Gadsden Purchase
Americans had laid 30,000 miles of railroad
4 million enslaved people
Abraham Lincoln elected President
South Carolina secedes
Southern States secede - Florida; January 10, Alabama; January 11, Georgia; January 19, Louisiana; January 26, Texas; February 1
Confederate Brigadier General P. G. T. Beauregard fired on Fort Sumter
Battle of Bull Run
First Confiscation Act, Congress abolished the institution of slavery in the District of Columbia
Congress passed the Second Confiscation Act, effectively emancipating slaves that came under Union control.
Battle of Antietam
Period: to
Grant’s Vicksburg Campaign
Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect– emancipating slaves under Confederate control
Battle of Chancellorsville
“Stonewall” Jackson killed by friendly fire
New York City Draft Riots
Sherman captures Atlanta
Lincoln re-elected
End of Civil War
John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln
Andrew Johnson became President
Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish slavery
Fourteenth Amendment adoped