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U.S World Affairs
Proclamation of Neutrality
George Washington gave this announcement to declare America's position, which was claimed as neutrality, in the war between France and Great Britain at the time. -
XYZ Affair
From 1797- 1798
When John Adams was president he sent three men to France to meet France's Foreign Minister but instead of meeting with the American men the Minister sent three of his own men to tell them that he would not meet with them unless if they paid a certain sum of money. The American's saw that France was looking for a bribery and this infuriated them. -
Convention of 1800
The convention ended the Quasi war between France and the United States and it also resulted in the end of the Franco- American Alliance -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was a purchase America made from France where they aquired aboit 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million, -
Embargo Act
This act was passed in response to American ships being seized as well as the goods and men aboard them. Jefferson signed this act in order to maintain his economy by cutting off trade to the nations at war to prevent his people and goods from becoming collateral damage. -
War of 1812
From June 18, 1812- March 23, 1815
This war was declared because of American sailors being seized and used in Britain's Navy, Britain attempting to restrict the United States from trading, and the U.S' hunger for expansion of its territory. -
Treaty of Ghent
The treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. This treaty was signed between the Great Britain and the United States in Ghent, Belgium. The terms of the treaty stated that any territory that was already conquered were to be returned to the respected country, basically to restore things back to how they were before the war. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was the address President James Monroe made in the annual message to Congress, his intent was to warn any European Powers from trying to colonize in the nations of the Western Hemisphere. He warned that if any European Power attempted to colonize in the western hemisphere that their actions would be considered as acts of aggression by the United States.