U.S Foreign Policy

  • 1919 BCE

    The Five-Power Treaty

    The Five-Power Treaty
    Isolationist:The Five-power treaty, signed by United States, Great Britain, Japan, France and Italy was the cornerstone of the naval disarmament program,
  • U.S Loans to Allied Powers

    U.S Loans to Allied Powers
    INTERNATIONAL:U.S had little interest in collecting reparations from Germany and it was meant to secure repayment of more tan 10 billion to allies over war. in 1922, London stated that it would seek reparations and wartime debt repayment from its European allies equal to debt in the u.s
  • Failure to Form a Treaty

    Failure to Form a Treaty
    INTERNATIONAL: it seemed that few conference on either side had definitely ruled out the possibility of two nations engaging on opposite sides of future conflict each hoped to keep edge to naval capacity. the u.s and Great Britain realized without an agreement the cruiser issue would block advancements at any future conference so the continued discussions in the years that followed
  • U.S Peace Advocates

    U.S Peace Advocates
    ISOLATIONIST: in the beginning of WW1 u.s made efforts to guarantee nation wouldn't be drawn into another. both men were affiliated with Carnegie endowment for international peace, an organization dedicated to promoting internationalism established in 1910 by leading american industrialist Andrew Carnegie.
  • The Four-Power Treaty

    The Four-Power Treaty
    INTERNATIONAL: In The Four-Power Treaty, the United States, France, Britain, and Japan agreed to advise with each other in the event of future crisis in East Asia before taking action. Japan had the potential to threaten U.S colonial possessions in Asia and profitable china trade.
  • Initial Arms Limits

    Initial Arms Limits
    INTERNATIONAL: after world war 1 many nations became concerned about the threat of another war and possibly of arms race. to address these issues Great Britain, U.S, and Japan, France, and Italy signed Five Powers Treaty at Washington Conference.
  • The NIne-Power Treaty

    The NIne-Power Treaty
    INTERNATIONAL:The United States, Britain, Japan, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and china-would respect the territorial integrity of china. the treaty affirmed the importance of equal opportunity for all nations doing business in the country. treaty and nine-power was meant to reassure china that territory wouldn't be compromised by Japanese then the made a deal and now the U>S reinforced it's existing policy in the pacific.
  • The Dawes Plan

    The Dawes Plan
    INTERNATIONAL: the committee proposed in April 1924. under Dawes plan. Germany's annual payment would be reduced as economy improved. the full amount was left unnoticed. France and Belgium would evacuate the Ruhr and foreign banks loaned German $200 million to encourage stabilization over the next few year u.s banks continued to lend Germany money to meet payments to countries such as France and UK.
  • Senator Gerald Nye

    Senator Gerald Nye
    INTERNATIONAL: the Japanese invasion of Manchuria and subsequent push to gain control over larger expanses of northeast china in 1931 led president Herbert Hoover and his secretary of state, Henry Stimson, to establish the Stimson Doctrine, which stated that the united states would not recognize the territory gained by aggression and violation of international agreements. us was concerned over aggressive action committing itself to intervention.
  • French Involvement

    French Involvement
    INTERNATIONAL: Aristides Briand proposed a peace pact as a bilateral agreement between the U.S and France to outlaw war between them. Kellogg were less eager than briand to enter the arrangement. they suggested that two nations take lead in inviting all nations to join them in outlawing war.
  • The Young Plan

    The Young Plan
    INTERNATIONAL: u.s banks helped prop Germany economy until 1928 loan dries up Germany's economy. lausanne conference agreed to cancel their claims against Germany, save for final payment.
  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    Isolationist :United States proposed that existing ratios between 3 powers be extended to include auxiliary vessels. the letter was designed to prevent the united states from having to embark on a massive building program to keep its fleet in line with ratios established at conference.