U.S Connectivity Adam Monaco and Colin Panko

  • The Maiden Voyage of the Steamboat Clermont

    The Maiden Voyage of the Steamboat Clermont
    • The Steamboat Clermont was the first steamboat in public service
    • It was designed by American engineer Robert Fulton and was built by Charles Brown in 1807
    • It was revolutionary because it provided transportation over large bodies of water
  • The Bicycle

    The Bicycle
    • The first verifiable claim for a functioning, practical bicycle belongs to the German inventor Baron Karl Von Drais
    • There were many earlier models of the bicycle that predated Barons version, "The Laufmaschine".
    • The Bicycle did not become popular until later on due to the fact that Barons product was too expensive for the average person at that time
    • The bicycles invention was so revolutionary because it gave people a more reliable and environmentally friendly solution to transportation.
  • The Lehigh Canal

    The Lehigh Canal
    -The canal was completed in 1829; stretched between Easton and Mauch Chunk
    -The canal project was started because coal was found in Mauch Chunk
    -By 1846, the canal shipped more than 2 million tons of anthracite annually
    - The great depression effectively ended operations on the canal and in 1931 shipping stopped in the canal.
    - The
  • The Telegraph and Morse Code

    The Telegraph and Morse Code
    • The Telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse
    • The Telegraph revolutionized long distance communication
    • It worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire that was connected between two stations
  • The Transcontinental Railroad

    The Transcontinental Railroad
    -The Transcontinental Railroad was built on May, 10th 1869.
    -Before the railroad, traveling across the continent meant a dangerous 6 month journey.
    -Interest in building the railroad began shortly after the invention of the locomotive. -During the 1850's Congress sponsored many survey parties to investigate land for possible transcontinental train routes.
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    -The telephone and the telegraph were both developed with similar goals
    -The telephone revolutionized long distance communication, by making it so you didn't have to learn morse code to speak with somone
    -First telephone line was installed in 1877
  • The Wright Brothers Flyer

    The Wright Brothers Flyer
    • The Wright Brothers invented the first successful airplane on December, 17th 1903
    • Their first successful flights took place at Kitty Hawk
    • The airplanes invention was so important because it allowed travelers to journey long distances in short amounts of time -The U.S Army purchased a Wright Model A on August, 2nd 1909 and it became the first military aircraft in history.
  • Ford Model T

    Ford Model T
    -Not the first car, but was the first mass produced car
    - This made it accessible to the public
    -The Model T revolutionized transportation within the country by giving the people a reasonably priced personal mobility system
    -Was released to the public on October 1, 1908
  • Television

    - The worlds first electronic television was invented on September, 7th 1927 by a 21 year old inventor named Philo Taylor Farnsworth
  • McDonnell Douglas DC-3 Dakota/C-47 Skytrain

    McDonnell Douglas DC-3 Dakota/C-47 Skytrain
    -Was entered into airline service in the early 1930's
    -Revolutionized air travel by being the first cheap, easily mass produced aircraft with a sizeable carrying capacity and speed
    -When the US entered WWII, the DC-3 was given a military variation, the C-47 Skytrain
    -The Skytrain allowed the US to have the war effort it did
    -Has gained legendary status because of its achievements in both public service and military service
  • The Opening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike

    The Opening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike
    • The Pennsylvania Turnpike opened on October, 1st 1940 an was just 160 miles long
    • The Turnpike extended just from Carlisle to Irwin
    • The Pa Turnpike was built in place of a 30 year old unfinished Railway
    • Victor Lecoq who was the head of the State Planning Commission ordered it to be built in the 1930's
  • The World Wide Web (The Internet)

    The World Wide Web (The Internet)
    -Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web, also called the Internet in 1989 - The Internet was originally developed for communitcation between scientists and allowed them to share data between one another
  • Amazon.com

    • Amazon was founded on June, 9th 1994 by Jeff Bezos
    • Amazon is revolutionary because it allows the buyer to receive their purchased item in a short amount of time(one day shipping), unlike the lengthy delivery times of the past -Amazon has developed into one of the largest companies in the world
  • Craigslist

    • Craigslist was created in 1995 by Craig Newmark
    • Newmark originally created the website as a way of staying on top of San Francisco Arts and technology trading
    • Craigslist boomed and eventually turned into a place where anyone could advertise, sell and trade anything they wanted for free
    • Craigslist was such a revolutionary invention because it allowed people to advertise items that they wanted to sell for free
    • In the past sellers had to pay money for a spot to sell their product.
  • MySpace

    • MySpace was an early form of social media
    • MySpace had a significant influence on pop culture and music
    • In June of 2009, MySpace employed approximately 1600 employees
    • It was revolutionary because it catalyzed the growth of multimedia platforms
  • The iPhone

    The iPhone
    -Released to the public for purchase on June 29th of 2007
    -First reasonably priced touch screen smart phone that was accessible to the public
    -The iPhone got the wheels of the smart phone industry turning, and got us to where we are today with mobile phone technology