Presidents Spending (Budget)(Fiscal)
At the end of Bush’s presidency the cost of spending was at $864.82. During Obama’s presidency, the cost of spending was at $857 billion, and increased $1.8 trillion. The reason for the dramatic increase of spending during Bush's term was due to certain events like 9/11. Obama had increased spending due to certain programs such as obama care. This is a budget deficit because the Presidents spent a certain amount of the budget.
http://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/budget-deficit.asp -
US Personal Savings Rates (Monetary)(Savings)
Personal Saving Rate correspond to the ratio of personal income saved to personal net disposable income during a certain period of time. The personal savings rate has fluctuated in the past year, but is almost the same as it was in July 2015 at 5.3. This is monetary because its the banks way of stimulating the economy. This would also fall under a savings deficit because its the personal savings rates in america
http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/personal-savings -
Trump's Leadership Plan (Monetary)(Leadership)
Trump’s plan for the federal deficit is to pay bondholders less than full value of the debt owed to them. There is no outside entity that would force bondholders to accept less than face value on the debts. Trump would not have any leverage in negotiations with bondholders unless he threatened a general default, which would cause uncertainty in international markets causing interest rates to spike on every other type of debt.
http://www.nationalreview.com/article/435226/trump-national-debt -
Corrupt and Broke Illinois (Budget)(Fiscal)
As of June, legislature agreed to a temporary plan to get the government to the end of the year. Illinois just keeps prolonging the emergency taking place and does not provide permanent relief. The plan is temporary because this year is an election year. When our president is elected, the issue will be passed on to the president so that the legislature will no longer have to deal with the issue.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/matthew-dietrich/despite-stopgap-budget-de_b_10833044.html -
US Trade In Goods With China (Result)(Trade)
In June 2016 U.S.A had done 8,822.7 million dollars worth of exports and 38,579 million dollars worth of imports leading to a Balance of -29,756.3. Other than the European Union, Canada is the US’s largest trade partner followed by China, then Mexico. This is a result because the amount of money made and spent is a result of the products traded and recieved. -
Prime Interest Rates (Savings)(Monetary)
The Journal surveys the 30 largest banks, and when 3/4 of them change, the Journal changes its rate, effective on the day the Journal publishes the new rate. The prime interest rate is the rate at which banks will lend money to their most-favored customers. The prime rate will flaxuate in lock step with changes by the Federal Reserve Board. The prime rate is used by banks to set rates on many consumer loan products.