2000 BCE
Traditional economics
- Traditional economics began in the Stone ages.
- An example of where traditional economy comes from is the Maasai tribe of East Africa.
- Traditional economics is when economic questions are answered by customs.
- It is based on trade and barter, mostly centered on farming.
- Most decisions are made based on customs.
Feudal economy
- This type of economy was mostly used in the Middle Ages.
- This economy worked by a hierarchy, at the top was the monarch, then the nobility, afterwards were knights and the common people.
- The land was the main source of income and power. The majority of the people worked the land in exchange for protection and certain rights,
- The main difference in this economy was that all the economic power fell on the monarch and most decisions were maid to please the lords.
- Adam Smith
- It was based on the idea that a nation's wealth and power were build by a regulated trade. -Government control economy. -It's goal was to increase the supply of gold and silver with export's instead of imports. -It was centeres on the interests of merchants and producers.
- Unlike some economies this one relies a lot on government intervention, and on the trade aspect of the economy than other elements. Economic freedom was also very limited.
Market economy
- Market economy is an economic system where the people own most of the resources and not the state.
- Competition.
- Here individuals control the use and prices of resources.
- This type of economy is answered by producers and consumers.
- The author of this type of economy is Adam Smith, who explained free market with capitalist economies.
- Unlike command economy, the government has very limited involvement and it is mostly based on voluntary exchange.
socialism economy
-Karl Marx
- Unlike some economic systems where business owners control the means of production, socialism is based on shared ownership and control among the laboring class.
-All legal production and distribution decisions are made by the government.
- These systems tend to have robust welfare system and social safety nets so the rely on the state for everything that includes food to healthcare.
-It includes production for use, rather than profit. No more competitive buying and selling. -
Command Economy
- In 1917 Vladimir Lenin and the Russian revolution created the first Communist command economy.
- In the 19th century Karl Marx (german economist) wrote the "communist manifesto.
- A command economy is a type of system where the government makes all the economic decisions. Here the government or a collective owns the land and the means of production.
- Unlike Traditional economy, here people aren't owners of anything, they can't respond on their own to free-market forces.
Mixed Economy
- Mixed economy is a system combined of both capitalism and socialism.
- In this type of economy the government is involved in the decision making of resources and businesses in the private sector.
- Trade protection, subsidies and taxes are examples of government intervention in mixed economy.
- Unlike Market economy, mixed economy does involve the government a lot more and they have certain control over businesses in the private sector.
- Command economy and Market economy.