Tyler Squire's timeline of the 1990's

  • PowerBook series Laptops

    PowerBook series Laptops
    Apple makes a portable computer that had a track ball and a floppy disk. There was 3 models the 100, 140, and the 170
  • First SMS Text Message

    First SMS Text Message
    An opportunity to talk on the phone without hearing the other person but through a form of text communication. Created by Neil Papworth
  • The PlayStation was released in North America

    The PlayStation was released in North America
    Sony created the PlayStation as a disk based gaming system while having the capability to play movies through CD's.
  • The iMac desktop computer is lauched

    The iMac desktop computer is lauched
    Apple produced the iMac with the price point of 1300 dollars. This Product was the first under the returning leadership of Steve Jobs. It was also a huge step because of this Apple got away from near bankruptcy.
  • Nvidia release the GeForce 256

    Nvidia release the GeForce 256
    It applied to personal computers to get increase in graphical performance. The reason that it was designed was to not put as much pressure on the CPU. Produced by Nvidia