Two Kinds Eactivity

  • Prodigy

    The narrators mpther tells her that she can be a chinese Shirley Temple.
  • Dinner Time Tests

    According to the narrator, every night at supper her mother would present her with a new quiz. Apparently her mother was trying to see if her daughter had any extreme talents.
  • Television Time

    One day while watching their old, crapped out television, they hear beautiful piano music
  • Ed-spiration

    After getting the notion that her daughter can be a pianist star, the narrators mother presents her with a piano practice schedule.
  • Disscusion of Denial

    The narrator expresses her feelings of resentment towards playing the piano and just wants her mother to love her the way she is. Her mothers says that all she wants is her daugher to give it her best.
  • Meeting Mr.Chong

    The narrator soon finds out that Mr.Chong is a deaf piano teacher.
  • Talent Show

    The narrator plays "Pleading Child" in the school talent show. She gets a few flat tires that stick with her and much to her mothers dissapointment.
  • Two Kinds

    The narrator finds the cold, hard, truth, that there are only two types of daughters
  • The Argument

    Many words are exchanged and feelings are hurt.
  • Onlooking

    The narrator reminises on all of the time that she has let her mother down.