Two gents 1

Two Gentlemen of Verona

  • Act 1 Verona . Valentine and his friend Proteus discuss the nature of love.

    Act 1 Verona . Valentine and his friend Proteus discuss the nature of love.
    Valentine is determined to see the world. His friend, Proteus is madly in love with Julia and will not accompany him.
  • Act 1 Proteus sends a letter to his love, Julia via his man servant Lance

     Act 1 Proteus sends a letter to his love, Julia via his man servant Lance
    Julia and her maid discuss the merits of Proteus after reading his letter.Julia is madly in love with Proteus but cannot yet openly express her feelings
  • Act 1 Enter Antonio

    Act 1 Enter Antonio
    Proteus' father ( Antonio) wishes his son to travel to Milan
  • Act 2 The Duke's Palace Milan

    Act 2 The Duke's Palace Milan
    Valentine has fallen in love with Silvia ( the Duke of Milan's daughter)
  • Act 2 Milan

    Act 2 Milan
    Valentine's servant Speed teases him about Silvia. He tells him he cannot see properly because love has blinded him.
  • Act 2 Verona

    Act 2 Verona
    Julia and Proteus exchange rings as tokens by which to remember each other. Proteus swears he will be faithful and will be tormented if he does not always think of her. Lance re-creates the scene where he parted from his family to travel with Proteus to Milan.
  • Act 2 Milan

    Act 2 Milan
    Valentine and Turio have a duel of words over Silvia.Valentine mocks Turio's poverty. The Duke questions Valentine about Proteus. Valentine informs the Duke that Proteus is wise, handsome and a perfect gentleman.
  • Act 2 scene 4

    Act 2 scene 4
    Silvia welcomes Proteus to Milan .Proteus declares his loyalty to her. Valentine welcomes Proteus and confesses his love for Silvia. Valentine reveals that he and Silvia plan to elope and marry. Proteus realises his love for Silvia has made him forget Julia, and cool his friendship for Valentine.
  • Act 2 Scene 5

    Act 2 Scene 5
    Speed and Lance meet. Speed asks how Proteus and Julia parted and whether they will marry. Lance refuses to give him a straight answer. Proteus decides he will betray his friend in the hopes of winning Silvia.
  • Act 2 Scene 7- Act 3 Scene 1

    Act 2 Scene 7- Act 3 Scene 1
    Julia decides to dress as a boy and travel to Milan to join Proteus. Lucetta mistrusts Proteus, but Julia is sure he is faithful. Claiming loyalty to the Duke, Proteus informs him of Valentines plan. Valentine is banished from Milan.
  • Act 4

    Act 4
    Valentine and Speed escape into the woods, several outlaws challenge them but in the end offer to make him their leader.Proteus reveals that Silvia has spurned his advances.
  • Act 4

    Act 4
    Julia overhears Proteus singing a song in praise of Silvia. Silvia rejects Proteus's advances and tells him to return to Julia. Proteus tells her that both Julia and Valentine are dead.
  • Act 4- Act 5

    Act 4- Act 5
    Proteus asks the disguised Julia to deliver a ring to Silvia - Julia's own ring. Silvia refuses the ring.
    Proteus rescues Silvia and asks her to look on him kindly - Silvia says she would rather be dead. Valentine saves her from Proteus's advances..
  • Act 5

    Act 5
    Valentine forgives his friend and offers him Silvia. Julia reveals her identity. Proteus rediscovers his love of Julia. The Duke arrives and pardons the outlaws and the couples marry