Battle of Lexington and Concord
The Batlle of Lexington and Concord was a very important battle in the American Revolution. This battle was so important because it marked the start of the American Revolutionary war. After te sions had been building for years between the Americans and British troops, the British became fed up and marched into Concord only to spark what we know as the American Revolutionary war. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
While British soldiers are asleep Revolutionaries are working hard to build a huge dirt hill used as a bunker. When British soldiers awake to fight they are faced with a hill to climb leaving them vulnerable and exposed for the Continental Army to fire away. If it were not for a lack of ammunition on behalf of the Revolutionaries the British would have lost the battle. -
Battle of Moores Creek Bridge
The American Revolutionaries defeated the British ending British enforcements and autherity in North Carolina -
Battle of Trenton
The battle of trenton happaned after the Americans lost in New york and were forced into New Jersey. Hessian soldiers were already stationed in New Jersey along with the British army called the 16th Dragons. The battle was a musch needed win for the Revolutionaries and was a big turning point -
Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Saratoga is a turning point in the American Revolution because the rebellious Patriots on the American side joined forces with the French Army to defeat the Imperial Country -
Battle of Guilford Courthouse
The Batlle of Guildford Courthouse was a very historic battle carfully planned out by General Washington. The geography greatly impacted thee batlle as for British troops had to march up a tall hill to reach Washington and his men. The battle is named this becuase the Gilford Courthouse was on the top of the hill -
Battle of Yorktown
The Battle of yorktown was planned out dicisively by General George Washington with the help of French reinforcements. In 1780 almost 6,000 French soldiers landed in Rhode Island to help the Americans Fight the British. The battle was hosted in New York and was a definent Turning Point. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris marked the end of the American Revolutionary war when King George III signed the Treaty. Not only did the Treaty of Paris mark the end of the Revolution, it also marked with America gained its independence which is why it is a turning point