Murphy's Bithday
Audie Leon Murphy was born on June 20, 1924 in Kingston, Hunt County, Texas by the parents of Emmet and Josie Murphy -
Murphy's school
Audie Murphy attended Celeste Elementary school -
Audie Murphy's mom dies
Audie Murphy's mother dies When he was 16 -
Audie Murphy Inlist in the army
Audie Murphy tryed to inlist in the army after Pear Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941 -
Audie Murphy in the 3rd Platoon
Auide Murphy was shiped to Casabalanca, Moracco as a replacement in the 3rd Platoon -
Audie Murphy gets wounded
On October 26, 1944 Audie Murphy was shot by a sniper in the hip and wounded -
Audie Murphy Gets Medal Of Honnor
On January, 1945 Audie Murphy gets the Meadle Of Honner -
Audie Murphy dies
Audie Murphy Dies at the age of 45