
Tudor Rebellions

  • 1486

    HENRY VII - Lovell's Rebellion

    C: Richard defeated - wanted to seize HVII and put a Yorkist on the throne
    WH?: Lack of figure head + support meant it didn't get anywhere. Henry heard about it so sent an army
    D?: Not dangerous as no support...BUT Lovell played a big part in Simnels rebellion
  • 1487

    HENRY VII - Simnel's Rebellion

    C?: Wanted a Yorkist King. Act of Resumption 1485.
    WH?: Simnel was declared King although Henry had Warwick. MofB sent 2000 mercenaries. Invasion on England. Rebels landed in Lancs in 1487. Battle of Stoke -> Henry won
    D?: Large support due to fear of Irish, also foreign support from MofB. The English were slow to respond to invasion.
    BUT.. Henry paraded the real Earl of Warwick around
  • 1489

    HENRY VII - Yorkshire Rebellion

    C?: Raised income tax to pay for war with France. People in Yorkshire didn't like it because they had to fight Scots.
    WH?: Henry Percy put their case to the King but failed to persuade him to change his mind so he was killed by protesters. HVII was scared of a factional rebellion so sent troops north to defend the crown and rebellions stopped.
    D?: No - acted quickly and stopped the rebellion before it got too big
  • 1496

    HENRY VII - Cornish Rebellion

    C?: HVII needed money to deal with the aftermath of Warbeck's attempted rebellion BUT Cornish didn't see the need for their taxes to rise as it didn't affect them
    WH?: Rebels marched until Guilford - they met 500 gov. troops but there was 15,000 rebels. The rebels failed their ultimate aims but HVII didn't ask for that much money again
  • 1497

    HENRY VII - Perkin Warbeck Rebellion

    C?: Warbeck told people he was one of the Princes in the Tower and people still wanted HVII off the throne.
    WH?: Warbeck had built up a lot of foreign support. HVII executed some of Warbecks powerful supporters. Tried to gain support in Kent-failed so went back to Ireland-failed. James IV gave him money and a marriage to make his connection to throne stronger. HVII managed Perpetual Peace with James so Warbeck wasn't welcome. Executed Warbeck
    D?: A lot of support,took time BUT Invasions failed
  • 1525

    HENRY VIII - Amicable Grant

    C?: gainst the imposition of taxes to pay for foreign wars. Particularly in the upland areas and Yorkshire to pay for the Battle of Pavia
    WH?: Many refused to pay it. Strongest resistance occurred in Essex and south Suffolk. The Earl of Essex reported that 1000 people had gathered at the Essex-Suffolk boarder determined to resist payment. The King eventually backed down and didn't use more tax payer money
    D?: Yes, support and clear motive and reason
  • 1537

    HENRY VIII - Pilgrimage of Grace

    C?: Main reason = people in North were traditionally catholic so feared the loss of the monasteries. OTHER = economic - 1526/1535 crop failures led to further enclosure.
    WH?: Led by Robert Aske. 30,000 men marched on York + drew up York Articles and Pontefract Articles. They took HVIII's word which led to him killing 74 rebels + the leaders of P of G
    D?: Yes. Gentry and noble families. Church gave funding which made it legit. Clear leader + gov was slow to respond.
  • 1549

    EDWARD VI - Western Rebellion (Prayer Book Rebellion)

    C?: Wanted 6 articles removing, people impacted a lot when chantries closed, sheep tax, enclosure, new prayer book
    WH?: Arundell led Cornwall in protests. No local force strong enough to attack them. Eventually defeated by Lord Grey and troops at Stamford Courtenay.
  • 1549

    EDWARD VI - Kett's Rebellion

    C?: Economic problems : chantries closed, enclosure - people too poor.
    WH?: Robert Kett led the unrest in East Anglia by attacking enclosures - didn't do much other than set up camps and show they didn't need nobles. 16,000 rebels wanted to organise not attack. Gov offered pardon to rebels and only few took it - other crushed by Earl of Warwick + Kett was executed.
    D?: Yes, organised and a lot of support. No, didn't attack LDN, Kett wanted to negotiate, gentry and nobles didn't support rebels
  • 1554

    MARY I - Wyatt's Rebellion

    C?: didn't like her marriage to Philip (xenophobia), didn't want catholic country, economic+social grievances
    WH?: Duke of Norfolk couldn't engage rebels so forced to withdraw, Queen rallied support with a speech at Guildhall, reached LDN bridge but prevented to cross due to crown forces, manage to cross bridge further upstream, rebels stop at ludgate + surrender.
    D?: Yes, leader, clear aims+support. NO, not a national rebellion
  • 1569

    ELIZABETH I - The Northern Rebellion

    C?: Noble resentment of Cecil and also out of support for MQS
    WH?: Duke of Norfolk disliked the influence Cecil had and saw him as an upstart. He planned a revolt to put MQS on the throne or have her declared heir to the throne. It was hoped Norfolk would marry MQS and this would put pressure on Liz to marry and produce an heir. They raised support (5,200 men) + attempted to free MQS they marched from Durham down to Pontefract.Liz had raised troops so they turned back
    D?: NO, bad leader, no aim
  • 1569

    ELIZABETH I - The Rebellions of 1569 and 1579

    C?: Catholic nobles upset due to colonies in Ireland known as Plantations
    WH?: There was a revolt in 1569 with 4500 supporters. He appealed to Catholics to rise against the ‘heretic’ English. Some success BUT the revolt was crushed by Humphrey Gilbert-captured 23 castles+slaughtered the inhabitants.
    1579-he was fighting a Holy War sanctioned by the Pope. The rebellion spread across the south and Elizabeth was forced to send Lord Grey with 6,500 men to crush the rebellion.
    D?: yes,foreign support
  • ELIZABETH I - Essex’s Rebellion

    C?: factions at court - Essex advocated an aggressive foreign policy against Spain but Cecil and Elizabeth opposed the idea
    WH?: Essex fell from royal favour after he messed-up the army in Ireland+was banished from the court, Essex attempted to seize control of important places in London, However, he lacked popular support (only 300 joined him) + the government knew of his plans and had prepared defences, the revolt lasted 12 hours and Essex was executed for treason
    D?: NO no support or plan
  • ELIZABETH I - Tyrone’s Rebellion 1594-1603

    C?: Earl of Tyrone led a serious rebellion between 1594 and 1603 + his army of 6,000 men threatened to dismantle what royal control the crown had in Ireland
    WH?:Spanish sent troops to O’Neill to help him gain control. Liz sent the Essex to Ireland w/a large force-he failed to follow orders or use his military advantage. Lord Mountjoy did much better and was able to defeat O’Neill in a year long campaign. He also defeated a Spanish force in 1602. This restored English control over Ireland.