Tuck Everlasting

  • Day 1 Mae

    Mae tuck is on her way to meet her sons.
  • Day 1 Man in the yellow suit

    The man in the yellow suit appears and questions Winnie.
  • Day 1 Winnie

    Winnie begins to think about running away.
  • Period: to

    Tuck everlasting

  • Day 2 Winnie

    Winnie runs away and meets the tucks inside the forest near a spring.
  • Day 2 Tucks

    Jesse first meets winnie and refuses to give her any spring water. The tucks kidnap her and run away.
  • Day 2 man in the yellow suit

    The man in the yellow suit saw the tucks kidnap winnie and follows them in persuit.
  • Day 2 Winnie and Tucks

    The tucks explain to winnie their story of immortality and bring her to Tuck who brings her out on to the pond to tell her the importance of death and why immortality is so bad. Their horse then gets stolen.
  • Day 2 Man in the yellow suit

    The man in the yellow suit overheard the tucks story and steals their horse and comes back to the fosters home at midnight and tells them the location of winnie
  • Day 3 Man in the Yellow suit

    The man in the yellow suit trades the location of winnie for ownership of the woods. He then goes with and ahead of the constable as they go to the tucks house. He goes to the tucks house and reveals his evil plan. He takes winnie and attempts to kidnap her but Mae saves winnie and butts him in the back of the head accidentally killing him.
  • Day 3 Tucks and winnie

    Winnie awakes and Miles then brings her out again into the pond to reinforce Tuck's point. The man in the yellow suit comes and attempts to kidnap winnie but Mae buttis him in the back of the head with a shotgun accidentally killing him thus putting her on deathrow. The fosters regain ownership of the woods.
  • Day 4 winnie

    Winnie is waiting outside and jesse explains his plan to her. Winnie then offers to help.
  • Day 5 Winnie and Tucks

    Winnie leaves her home and mets up with the tucks. They head into treegap and break mae out of jail and put winnie in her place. The tucks then run away never to be seen again. Winnie is sleeping in the cell and in the morning the constable brings her back home. The End