
  • 1755 Lisbon Earthquake / Tsunami

    1755 Lisbon Earthquake / Tsunami
    60,000 people killed
    7.7-9.0 Magnitude
    It was All Saint's Day, and the shock caused churches to collapse on top of people worshipping.
  • 1883 Sunda Strait Volcano Tsunami

    1883 Sunda Strait Volcano Tsunami
    36,000 people killed.
    70%+ of the island collapsed as a result of it.
  • 1946 Aleutian Earthquake Tsunami

    1946 Aleutian Earthquake Tsunami
    Almost 200 deaths with an earthquake magnitude of 8.6. The waves traveled several hundred miles per hour in order to reach its destination. The tsunami was later known as the "April Fool's Tsunami" due to the date it occured.
  • 1960 Chile Tsunami

    1960 Chile Tsunami
    Killed over 2,000 people with a magnitude 9.5 earthquake followed by a tsunami. The earthquake was the largest ever measured.
  • 1964 Alaska Tsunami

    1964 Alaska Tsunami
    131 people were killed with a 9.2 magnitude earthquake beforehand. The earthquake was the most powerful in history and second-largest, with the 9.5 Chile earthquake being first for size.
  • 1993 Japan Tsunami

    1993 Japan Tsunami
    Killed 230 people with a magnitude 7.7 earthquake beforehand. The earthquake also caused a landslide to occur.
  • 1998 New Guinea Tsunami

    1998 New Guinea Tsunami
    ~2,700 killed with a magnitude 7.0 earthquake beforehand. It caused an underwater landslide as a result.
  • 2004 Sumatra Tsunami

    2004 Sumatra Tsunami
    Killed ~230,000 people with a magnitude 9.1-9.3 earthquake beforehand. Due to the number of deaths, it has been considered one of the most deadly disasters in history.
  • 2009 Samoa Tsunami

    2009 Samoa Tsunami
    Killed ~200 people with a magnitude 8.1 earthquake. The earthquake happened underwater and was said to be the largest earthquake to have occurred in 2009.
  • 2010 Chile Tsunami

    2010 Chile Tsunami
    ~550 dead or missing with a magnitude 8.8 earthquake beforehand. The tsunami that followed greatly damaged businesses in the area and also caused a loss of electricity in a majority of China.
  • 2011 Japan Tsunami

    2011 Japan Tsunami
    Killed ~20,000 people with a magnitude 9.0 earthquake beforehand. It was Japan's deadliest earthquake and caused nuclear plants to shut down.