
  • Lisbon

    Location: Lisbon, Portugal; Magnitude - 9; Death toll: 20,000
  • Krakatoa

    Location - Sundra Strait; Magnitude - N/A (from a volcano); Death toll - 36,000
  • Aleutians

    Location: Earthquake in Alaska but the Tsunami affected the Hawaiian Islands
    Magnitude: 8.1
    Death Toll: 160
  • Chile

    Location: Earthquake in Chile but Hawaiian Islands affected by Tsunami
    Magnitude: 9.5
    Death toll: 61
  • Alaska

    Location: Alaska, but tsunami affected Alaska and California
    Magnitude: 9.2
    Death toll: 130
  • Sea of Japan

    Location: Sea of Japan
    Magnitude: 7.8
    Death toll: 120
  • Papa New Guinea

    Location: Papa New Guinea
    Magnitude: 7.1
    Death toll: 2100
  • Sumatra

    Location: Indonesia
    Death toll: 230,000
    Magnitude: 9.1
  • Japan

    Location: Japan
    Magnitude: 9.1
    Death toll: 20,000
  • Samoa

    Magnitude: 8.1
    Location: Samoa
    Death toll: 230,000
  • Chile

    Location: Chile
    Magnitude: 8.8
    Death toll: 700