Lisbon 1755
Location- Lisbon Portugal
Magnitude- 9
Death Toll- 20,000 -
Krakatoa 1883
Location- Sundra Strait
Magnitude-N/A (From a volcano)
Death Toll- 36,000 -
Aleutians 1946
Location- The earthquake that caused the Tsunami occured in Alaska but the Tsunami affected the Hawaiian Islands.
Magnitude- 8.1
Death Toll - 160 -
Chile 1960
Location- The earthquake occurred in Chile but the Tsunami traveled nearly 18 hours to the Hawaiian Islands.
Death Toll- 61 -
Alaska 1964
Location- The earthquake occurred in Alaska while the Tsunami affected people in Alaska as well as California
Magnitude- 9.2
Death Toll- 130 -
Sea of Japan 1993
Location- Sea of Japan
Magnitude- 7.8
Death Toll- 120 -
Papa New Guinea 1998
Location- Papa New Guinea
Death Toll- 2100 -
Samoa 2009
Location- Samoa
Death Toll- 230,000 -
Chile 2010
Location- Chile
Death Toll- 700 -
Japan 2011
Location- Japan
Death Toll- 20,000