

  • West Indies Tsunami

    West Indies Tsunami
    The West Indies Tsunami occurred in 1755. The tsunami started in Lisbon, Portugal. The magnitude was 9 and the death toll was around 20,000 people.
  • KrakatoaTsunami

    The Krakatoa Tsunami occurred at a volcano at the Sundra Strait in 1883. It was 35 feet high and had a death toll of over 36,000 people.
  • 1946 Hawaii Tsunami

    1946 Hawaii Tsunami
    The 1946 Hawaii Tsunami occurred on the islands of Hawaii. The tsunami started as an earthquake in Aleutians, Alaska. It had a magnitude of 8.1 and the death toll was 160 people.
  • 1960 Hawaii Tsunami

    1960 Hawaii Tsunami
    The 1960 Hawaii tsunami began as an earthquake in Chile. The magnitude was 9.5 and there was a death toll of 61 people.
  • Alaska and California Tsunami

    Alaska and California Tsunami
    The 1964 tsunami occurred at Alaska and California. The tsunami started as an earthquake in Alaska. The magnitude reached 9.2 and there was a death toll of 120 people.
  • Sea of Japan Tsunami

    Sea of Japan Tsunami
    The 1993 Japan tsunami occurred in the Sea of Japan. It had a magnitude of 7.8 and killed 120 people.
  • Papua New Guinea Tsunami

    Papua New Guinea Tsunami
    The Papua New Guinea tsunami took place in 1998 and had a magnitude of 7.1 The death toll reached up to 2,100.
  • Sumatra Tsunami

    Sumatra Tsunami
    The Sumatra Tsunami of 2004 had a magnitude of 9.1 and had a death toll of 230,000 people.
  • Samoa Tsunami

    Samoa Tsunami
    The Samoa Tsunami occurred in 2009. It reached a magnitude of 8.1 and had a death toll of 200.
  • Chile Tsunami

    Chile Tsunami
    The 2010 Chile Tsunami had a death toll of 700 and had a magnitude of 8.8.
  • Japan Tsunami

    Japan Tsunami
    The 2011 Japan tsunami had a magnitude of 9.1 and a death toll of 20,000.