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Deadly Tsunamis - Luke Sturgis

  • Lisbon Earthquake and Tsunami

    Lisbon Earthquake and Tsunami
    This earthquake was a magnitude 9 earthquake, with a large death toll of 20,000 deaths. The resulting tsunami after the earthquake contained waves reaching heights of 23ft in height in the West Indies.
  • Krakatoa Eruption

    Krakatoa Eruption
    This volcanic eruption had a VEI, or Volcanic Explosivity Index of 6, with a total death toll of 36,000 people. The cause of this tsunami originated from the top of the volcano collapsing into the surrounding Java Sea.
  • Alaska's Aleutian Islands Earthquake

    Alaska's Aleutian Islands Earthquake
    The earthquake which occurred in the less inhabited parts of Alaska's Aleutian Islands was an 8.1 magnitude brute. Luckily however, the death toll from this earthquake was relatively small at only 160. The resulting tsunami even made it as far as the Hawaiian Islands.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake

    Great Chilean Earthquake
    With a magnitude of 9.5, this earthquake has the highest energy released at the source of any in this timeline. This earthquake resulted in a tsunami which travelled across the Pacific Ocean for 15 hours and hit Hawaii, resulting in 61 total deaths from the events.
  • Alaska's Good Friday Earthquake

    Alaska's Good Friday Earthquake
    This extremely damaging earthquake had a lofty magnitude of 9.2. It had many different forms of effect on the earth where it struck, including soil liquefaction, fissures, landslides, and other types of ground failures. The death toll of this large earthquake are relatively small in comparison to its effects, at only 130 killed.
  • Japan's Hokkaido Earthquake

    Japan's Hokkaido Earthquake
    With a lower than average magnitude than the others of this timeline, the Hokkaido earthquake only hit with a force of M 7.8 and resulted in only 120 total casualties. This earthquake occurred at the boundary where the Pacific and Eurasian Plates converge.
  • Papua New Guinea Quake

    Papua New Guinea Quake
    With an underwater landslide coming after the initial earthquake, a tsunami was quick to follow. This earthquake is relatively underpowered for our list, boasting a magnitude of only 7.1. It did however still result in the deaths of 2,100 people throughout Papua New Guinea.
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    This 9.1 magnitude earthquake and tsunami combination in Indonesia resulted in the highest amount of deaths in the timeline. With 230,000 total deaths, many of these could have been easily avoided had the population been better educated on what was about to befall it. Many came from individuals moving towards the shoreline to watch their impeding doom. The earthquake happened on the boundary of the Burma Plate and the Indian Plate and tsunami waves following reached 100ft. high.
  • Samoan Islands Earthquake

    Samoan Islands Earthquake
    With a Mecalli Intensity of VI and a magnitude of 8.1, this earthquake did significant damage to the island nation it ravaged. At the Kermadec-Tonga subduction zone, the plates generated enough force to create a tsunami which further inundated the city with water.
  • 2010 Chilean Earthquake

    2010 Chilean Earthquake
    To go along with its 8.8 magnitude, this earthquake had an intense 3 minutes of violent shaking during its time in Chile, with the cities of Concepción, Arauco, and Coronel reporting the strongest effects. 700 people perished as a result of this event.
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Tohoku Earthquake
    High up on the list of Japan's most catastrophic events, the Japanese Government named this disaster, " The Great East Japan Earthquake". 20,000 citizens perished from either the earthquake or the tsunami that followed flooding 200 square miles of coastline.
  • Indonesia's Sulawesi Earthquake

    Indonesia's Sulawesi Earthquake
    The epicenter of this quake was located in the Donggala Regency, along the Palu-Koro fault. It had a depth of 20 kms, or 12.4 miles and a magnitude of 7.5. The death toll from this quake was luckily quite low with only 384.