Screen shot 2021 11 09 at 12.23.35 pm


  • Lisbon Earthquake

    Lisbon Earthquake
    The magnitude is 7.7
    The death toll is 70,000
    -fires spread
    -fires caused by candles and cooking fires
    -felt in finland, NA, and Greenland
  • Krakatoa Eruption

    Krakatoa Eruption
    The magnitude of the earthquake is 6
    The death toll of the earthquake is 36,000
    -loudest sound reported in history
    - fired up ash 50 miles into the air
  • Aleutian Earthquake

    Aleutian Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake is 8.6
    The death toll of the earthquake is 173
    -Depths of 40 to 60
    -Destroyed 2 bridges
  • Great Chilean Earthquake

    Great Chilean Earthquake
    -Destroyed 222,000 homes
    -Washed away docks
    -Riverfronts and seaside resorts
  • Good Friday Earthquake

    Good Friday Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake is 9.2
    The death toll of the earthquake is 131
    Several towns and villages moved to safer grounds
    A maximum felt the intensity on the mercal intensity scale
  • Hokkaido Earthquake

    Hokkaido Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake is 7.7
    The death toll of the earthquake 41
    Great intensity
    Disrupted electrical service
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake is 7.6
    The death toll if the earthquake 200
    -A reverse fault
    -Caused a undersea landslide
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake 9.2
    The death toll of the earthquake is 286,000
    -released energy at 23,000 hiroshima
    -lasted 10 minutes long
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake is 8.1
    The death toll of the earthquake is 189
    Generated by ocean trenches
    Caused significant damage
  • Chile Earthquake

    Chile Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake is 8.8
    The death toll of the earthquake is 525
    Slipped east ward
    Dip of the Nazca plate
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Tohoku Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake 9.1
    The death toll of 18,000
    Lasted a total of 6 minutes
    Caused a tsunami
  • Sulawesi Earthquake

    Sulawesi Earthquake
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.5
    The death toll of the earthquake was 2,000
    Occurred along the Palu-Kuro fault
    .3 million in economic loss