Lisbon , Portugal
Magnitude- 8.5-9.0
Death Toll- unknown -
Valdiva, Chile
Magnitude -9.5
Death toll- exceeding 4million -
Magnitude - 8.4
Death toll- 78 -
Sumatra, Indonesia
Deathtoll-230,000 -
Indian Ocean Tsunami
Deadliest tsunami ever. Happened in the Indian Ocean , 9.0 magnitude or the earthquake. 150,000 death toll, efected by 11 counties. -
Island or Java, Indonesia
Death Toll- 668+
Magnitude - 6.8 -
Maule, Chile
deathtoll- unknown -
magnitude 9.0 eathquake, happened in Japan, deathtoll exceeded 10,000 -
Lata, Soloman Islands
Magnitude- 8
Deathtoll -7
mostly property damage -
Iquique, Chile
Magnitude- 8.5
Deathtoll- 11