Tsunami Project

  • 1755 Lisbon, Portugal Earthquake, Fire, and Tsunami

    1755 Lisbon, Portugal Earthquake, Fire, and Tsunami
    In 1755, Lisbon, Portugal suffered a major earthquake that destroyed the city. The magnitude of the earthquake hit a high of a 9.0 magnitude and ended up killing 20,000 people. This became more than expected because after the earthquake occured, a tsunami and fire hit the city which caused more damage and killed more people.
  • 1883 New Zealand Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami

    1883 New Zealand Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami
    In 1883 on the island of Krakatoa, New Zealand, a volcano erupted and caused a tsunami of 30 meters high to occur. The tsunami wiped out the villages on the islands of Java and Sumatra. There was no earthquake that took place but the tsunami ended up killing 36,000 people and destroying over 135 villages on the islands of New Zealand.
  • 1946 Aleutians, Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami

    1946 Aleutians, Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami
    In 1946 in Aleutians, Alaska, an earthquake occured that caused a tsunami to occur on the islands of Hawaii. The magnitude of the earthquake was a 8.1 magnitude and ended up killing around 165 people in Hawaii and zero people in Alaska.
  • 1960 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami

    1960 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami
    On May 22nd, 1960, a 9.5 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Chile. It is the largest recorded magnitude earthquake in history and afterwards a tsunami hit Chile, Hawaii, Philippines, and Japan. The death toll in Chile was estimated to be around 490-5,700 people, Japan had around 140 people die, Hawaii had 61 fatalities, and the Philippines had 21 deaths. The deaths in Chile were from the earthquake and tsunami and the deaths from Hawaii, Philippines, and Japan were from the tsunami.
  • 1964 Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami

    1964 Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami
    On March 27th, 1964 in Alaska, a 9.2 magnitude earthquake hit that also caused a tsunami along the west coast. The earthquake took place in the Prince William Sound area in Alaska and caused a tsunami to hit California afterwards. In total, only 130 people were killed in total in Alaska and California.
  • 1993 Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fire

    1993 Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fire
    On July 12th, 1993, an earthquake hit the island of Hokkaido, Japan and also caused a tsunami that lead to raving fires. The earthquake hit a magnitude of 7.8 and killed around 120 people. The deaths occured on Okushiri Island since that was where the tsunami and fires occured after the earthquake.
  • 1998 Papua New Guinea Earthquake, Landslide, and Tsunami

    1998 Papua New Guinea Earthquake, Landslide, and Tsunami
    On July 17th, 1998 a major earthquake, landslide, and tsunami hit Papua New Guinea. The earthquake reached a magnitude of 7.0 and people became displaced, injured, and even died. After the earthquake, landslide, and tsunami hit, a total of around 1600-2100 people were reported dead from the diaster.
  • 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami

    2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami
    On December 26th, 2004, a devestating tsunami caused by an earthquake hit the island of Sumatra along with other Indonesian countries. The magnitude of the earthquake was a 9.1 and caused tsunami waves to reach 30 feet high in some areas. In total, between 225,000-230,000 people were killed in Sumatra and other countries in Indonesia. Most of the deaths were caused from the tsunami instead of the earthquake.
  • 2009 Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami

    2009 Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami
    On September 29th, 2009, an earthquake and tsunami hit the countries and islands of Samoa, American Samoa, and Tonga. The magnitude reached a high of 8.1 and killed around 192 people. In Samoa, 149 people died, Tonga had 9 deaths, and American Samoa had 34 deaths.
  • 2010 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami

    2010 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami
    On February 2nd, 2010, the country of Chile faced a major earthquake and tsunami that followed. The magnitude of the earthquake hit 8.8 and ended up killing between 500-700 people that lived on the coastal islands and coastal areas of Chile.
  • 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

    2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
    In 2011, Japan was hit with a devestating earthquake and tsunami. The earthquake got to a 9.1 magnitude and wiped out major areas of Japan. The death toll ended up totaling to over 20,000 people killed from both the earthquake and tsunami.