

By zackj
  • Sep 20, 1498

    Enshunada Sea, Japan

    Enshunada Sea, Japan
    A 8.3 magnitude earthquake gigantic waves.Homes and entire buildings got swept into the sea. This earthquake caused a estimated 31,000 deaths.
  • Ise Bay, Japan

    Ise Bay, Japan
    This tsunami was caused by a 8.2 earthquake that caused massive damage. It killed a estimated 8,000 deaths.
  • Nankaido, Japan

    Nankaido, Japan
    A magnitude 8.4 earthquake caused sea waves as high as 25 meters.This caused many buildings to get damaged. It is estimated around 30,000 people died
  • Portugal earthquake

    Portugal earthquake
    8.5 magnitude earthquake caused a tsunami in Lisbon Portugal. This caused 60,000 people in total to die due to the tsunami. The amount of deaths could have been prevented if it happened in 2017 due to our technology and warning system.
  • Ryuku Islands, Japan

    Ryuku Islands, Japan
    A magnitude 7.4 earthquake caused large damaged a large number of islands in the region. Ryukyu Islands were especially damaged.It killed 12,000 people.
  • Arica,Chile

    A estimated 8.5 magnitude earthquake cause major damage that was catastrophic.It resluled in giant waves that damaged bulidings and killed 25,000 deaths. A estimated $300 million were caused in damages
  • Sanriku, Japan

    Sanriku, Japan
    A 7.6 magnitude earthquake had drastic effects.It caused a lots of flooding cause of a tsunami. It is estimated 22,000 people died.
  • Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami

    Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami
    A 9.2 magnitude earthquake the highest ever recorded happen in Alaska.It caused huge waves that not only affected Alaska but Japan and Hawaii. This caused 121 deaths due to the tsunami in total.
  • North Pacific coast Japan tsunami

    North Pacific coast Japan tsunami
    The earthquake in Japan killed a estimated 18,000 people.It happen due a 9.0 magnitude earthquake. This caused damages to the power plant and happen in recent history.
  • Indonesia tsunami

    Indonesia tsunami
    A tsunami happen in Sumatra, Indonesia which was caused by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake. It killed 230,000 people. This caused the U.S 10 billion is damages.This is because it caused higher waves in other parts of the world.
  • Java Earthquake and Tsunami

    Java Earthquake and Tsunami
    Java, Indonesia was rocked by a 7.7 magnitude earthquake.This resulted in major waves that killed 688 deaths. It is also estimated that there were 22 foot waves.