Tsavo Edwards Timeline

By Tsavoe3
  • Being Born

    Being Born
    I was born at Henrico Doctors Hospital.
  • Preschool

    I started Preschool.
  • Elementary school

    Elementary school
    I started kindergarden, and went to Lakeside Elementary.
  • Sports

    I started playing football for the Parham Bears.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I started Middle School, and went to Moody Middle School
  • Kings Dominion

    Kings Dominion
    I went to Kings Dominion for the first time.
  • Straight A's

    Straight A's
    I made Staight A's for the first time in the 8th grade.
  • Honor Roll

    Honor Roll
    I made Honor Roll for the whole year Freshman year.
  • Wrestling

    I starte Wrestling at Hermitage High School
  • Pennsylvania

    I went to Pennsylvania for the first time in 2011
  • College

    I'd like to go to college at Old Dominion University
  • Teacher

    I'd like to become a History Teacher.