Trysta past, present, future

  • Birth

    I was born on November 11th, 1996 at 9:47 A.M.
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  • Changing Moments

    Changing Moments
    When i was just over a year i had fallen into a 6x12 mirror and had been severely injured. I had a glass shard 33mm from my heart. I was put in acoma and was in the hospital for over 3 months. The after affects are problems breathing and updated searching surgeries. When i was 11 years old and my cousin Trinity moved out of the state. My siblings being born.
  • Family

    Patience (mom) - An incredibaly bright bubbly, intelligent person who loves and puts her family first.
    Brandon(Dad) - An active outdoorsy man who spends as much time with his family, and does anything for their well being.
    Savannah(Sister) - An upbeat motivated little girl who always has a smile on her face.
    Brayden(Brother) - A very giggly heartwarming little boy who looks up to his peers.
  • Happiness

    Happiness for me as a child was going camping and spending time with my family. Also, riding my dirtbikes and going in the hills for the weekend.
  • Marriage

    My Parents had finally sealed the deal and got married on May 5, 2005.
  • Savannah

    My little sister was brought into this world on the evening of may 17th 2005.
  • Brayden

    On this day my Brother was brought in to the world and changed all of our lives.
  • Vacation

    I went on an airplane for my first time by myself. I was going to San Diego, California to visit my aunt and cousins.
  • Divorce

    This is the date when my parents had signed their divorce papers and moved their seperate ways.
  • Money

    I spend most of my money on stuff to do with my family, and going on little roadtrips with my friends. I babysit quite a bit and do stuff artound the house to earn as much money as possible.
  • The Big Move

    The Big Move
    The end of my freshman year my mom told me we were moving to Denver to live. We were expecting not to move back but my mom was not a city women and we moved back the end of my sophomore year on May 28th 2013. I left behind my best friend Amanda and had a hard time adjusting at first.
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  • Disappointment

    My cousin greatly disappointed me when she was in an abusive relationship. She tried to leave the relationship more than one times, it didnt work.
  • Happiness in Highschool

    Happiness in Highschool
    Happiness in my life right now is hanging out with my friends and my family. My best friend Amanda is the number one person i hang out with. I love to be wreckless and carefree.
  • Influence

    My mother is my most influential person in my life. She gave birth to me at a very young age. She shows me how strong a person can be after graduating, having a baby, going to college, and woking half time all while being a single parent.
  • Graduation!

    Next year i will be graduating with the class of 2015!
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  • After Graduation

    After Graduation
    After graduation i plan to take a year off and save some money for school and housing. When i got to school i want to go to school to be an esthetician.
  • New house

    New house
    When i move out on my own, i am probably going to start in a cheap small apartment. But if my close girl friends wanted to move in together maybe rent a four bedroom house and split rent costs.
  • my Marriage

    I would love to get married. I hooe ti get married around 25-30. I need my spouse to have a very happy personality and are very talkative. I aslo need them to be active and involved with outdoor stuff
  • Future Family

    Future Family
    I would love to have a family of my own. I would like to have 3-4 of my own children. I would love it if my parents could be around to see my children grown.
  • Marriage experiances

    Marriage experiances
    I have found that money, jealousy, and work can make or break a relationship. Money has a big influence on how a family will act and if their needs are met. Jealousy can lead too cheating and lying Work can make a loss in time and interest.
  • Perfect Future

    Perfect Future
    In my future i would love to have a Ford Raptor, a log themed house in the woods, to be self-employed and potentially homeschool my children.
  • Happiness in Midlife

    Happiness in Midlife
    I plan to be around 45 on the road in my schoolbus remodeled as a home. I want to travel the world once all of my children are out of the house. If i found a place i enjoyed i would potentially live out the rest of my life there. Make visits to see my children and siblings.
  • Old Age

    Old Age
    I would want to live around 80-90 years old. I dont want to die too young and not miss out on anything, But i dont want to die old and live my last few years miserable.