
Trustyn's Life

By tw3417
  • Trustyn's Birthday

    Trustyn's Birthday
    I was born on September 18, 1999. I was born in Sioux Falls, SD. I was born to Jim and Stacie Wolf.
  • First time hospitalized

    First time hospitalized
    My first time hospitalized was on January 18, 2000. I was only 4 months old when I was first hospitalized, I had stopped breathing.
  • Jayden's Birthday

    Jayden's Birthday
    My Brother Jayden was born on April 3, 2002. He is my only brother, and he was also born in Sioux Falls.
  • First airplane ride

    First airplane ride
    My first airplane ride was on April 17, 2003. It was on my grandpa's airplane (which he still owns). I really dont remember much about it because I was to young.
  • First trip to New Jersey

    First trip to New Jersey
    My first time going to New Jersey was on July 20, 2003. I go out to New Jersey about every four years to see my cousins that live there and this was my first time going.
  • Samara's Birthday

    Samara's Birthday
    Samara's birthday was on June 2, 2004. She was my first sister and she is my only sister. She was also born in Sioux Falls.
  • First year of Baseball

    First year of Baseball
    My first year of baseball was on June 1, 2005. It was the summer before my first year of school, it was t-ball so we really didnt do a whole lot.
  • First year of school

    First year of school
    My first day of school was on August 20, 2005. I was joined with nine other classmates, and my first year of school was at St. Mary's.
  • First time to the Black Hills

    First time to the Black Hills
    My first time going to the Black Hills was on June 2, 2006. We went to the Hills to go to a friend's wedding. We also got to see Mt. Rushmore.
  • First year of wreslting

    First year of wreslting
    My first year of wrestling was on November 30, 2010. The first year of wrestling wasn't really that exciting because I didnt know anything, and I really didnt wrestle a lot.
  • First year of football

    First year of football
    My first day of football was on September 7, 2011. My first year of football was pretty fun because we didnt have very many players so I got to play quite often. I also had a lot of friends playing football.
  • First time in Washington, D.C.

    First time in Washington, D.C.
    My first time in Washington was on July 26, 2013, and it was really fun going to all the museums, the monuments, and I also got to see the Capital Building.
  • Today's Computer Class

    Today's Computer Class
    March 10, 2014. The first day of computers.