Tru's History of Photography

  • The Camera was invented.

    In 1816 it was said that Joseph Nicéphore Niépce had invented a homemade camera with a silver chloride covered sheet of paper.
  • The first official photo was ever taken.

    The first official photo was ever taken.
    Niépce tested his camera several ways and in 1826 made a breakthrough that made the first ever surviving photograph.
  • Niépce Started a Business with Louis Daguerre

    Louis Daguerre was a French Artist/Inventor that took a wide interest in Niepce's work.
  • Niépce died of a stroke

    Daguerre continued on working on the photograph, experimenting, he ended up inventing what is called the Daguerreotype process, which later ended up proving dangerous since it worked with mercury, although successful, it was mainly only used for portraits and was later sold to the french government.
  • Period: to

    Negative prints were invented

    William Henry Fox Talbot Invented the process known today as the calotype process, which made people be able to make multiple photos of the same image, the calotype process was used well into the 1900's
  • The Gelatin Dry Plate

    Richard Leach Maddox invented the Gelatin Dry Plate Method which turned the negative photos and made them able to be transferred onto a glass plate, this method and the calotype process was very popular well into the 1900's
  • Film was invented

    George Eastman made it possible to make multiple photos at once and they no longer needed to be processed and it was a major development in photography for it's time.
  • The 35mm camera

    In 1925 Oscar Barnack had developed the first ever working Lecia Camera it contained 33mm film and was a highly modern improvement to photography since they were using box camera before.
  • Color Film was Invented

    Kodack Developed Colored Film on layered with their already existing film making really good photos and creating the first aesthetic of it's time.
  • Aperture Priority was introduced.

    The first camera with aperture priority, which eliminated the need for photographers to manually select the exposure time, was introduced by Agfa in 1956.
  • Camera with AutoFocus Prototype/ Introduction

    The first autofocus camera prototype from Canon was unveiled in 1963, making it much simpler for the average photographer to take quick photos. Rollei around 10 years later unveiled the first fully automatic camera, Photographers no longer required to manually select aperture, shutter speed, and focus in order to produce a passable image.
  • The Digital Camera was invented

    Even though the idea of digital cameras dates back to the 1960s, the Eastman Kodak camera that Steven Sasson created in 1975 is usually regarded as the first standalone digital camera.