Gema 01 img0008

Troubled Times

  • Period: to

    Troubled Times

  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
  • Israeli forces invade the Sinai Peninsula

    Israeli forces invade the Sinai Peninsula
  • The Soviet Union launches Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launches Sputnik
  • Fidel Castro marches into Havana

    Fidel Castro marches into Havana
  • U-2 spy plane with Francis Gary Powers at the controls is shot down over Sverdlovsk, Russia

    U-2 spy plane with Francis Gary Powers at the controls is shot down over Sverdlovsk, Russia
  • Presidential candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in televised debates.

    Presidential candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in televised debates.
  • John F Kennedy becomes president

    John F Kennedy becomes president
  • The "sit-in" movement begins

    The "sit-in" movement begins
  • Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to orbit the earth.

    Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to orbit the earth.
  • Bay of Pigs in Cuba

    Bay of Pigs in Cuba
  • U.S. launches first astronaut Alan Shepard into space

    U.S. launches first astronaut  Alan Shepard into space
  • "Freedom Riders" want to desegregate southern transportation

    "Freedom Riders" want to desegregate southern transportation
  • The Berlin wall is built

    The Berlin wall is built
  • USA gets involved with the Vietnam conflict

    USA gets involved with the Vietnam conflict
  • First African American student at the University of Mississippi

    First African American student at the University of Mississippi
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
  • U.S. and U.S.S.R. sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    U.S. and U.S.S.R. sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
  • Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., deliver his "I Have a Dream" speech

    Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., deliver his "I Have a Dream" speech
  • President John Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas

    President John Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas
  • President Lyndon Johnson becomes president

    President Lyndon Johnson becomes president
  • Malcolm X is shot as he prepares to deliver a speech

    Malcolm X is shot as he prepares to deliver a speech
  • Heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali is arrested

    Heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali is arrested
  • Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first African American Supreme Court justice

    Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first African American Supreme Court justice
  • The Rev. Martin Luther King is assassinated

    The Rev. Martin Luther King is assassinated
  • Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated

    Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated
  • Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon

    Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon
  • Rock concert near Woodstock, New York

    Rock concert near Woodstock, New York
  • American troops begin an incursion into Cambodia

    American troops begin an incursion into Cambodia
  • President Nixon announces he will visit China

    President Nixon announces he will visit China
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
  • Olympic Games in Munich, eight armed Palestinian guerrillas storm the Israeli athletes dormitory, killing one Israeli athlete

    Olympic Games in Munich, eight armed Palestinian guerrillas storm the Israeli athletes dormitory, killing one Israeli athlete
  • United States and North Vietnam sign a treaty ending American intervention in Vietnam

    United States and North Vietnam sign a treaty ending American intervention in Vietnam
  • Richard Nixon becomes the first president to resign his office.

    Richard Nixon becomes the first president to resign his office.
  • Gerald Ford becomes the 38th president

    Gerald Ford becomes the 38th president