King James l
James the first (a monarch ), took over the English throne. James scolded Parliament for gaining royal power and parliament responded by making a declaration of their own rights. However, towards the end of his reign, he gave into parlement. -
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Stuart King James l Rules
James l is king and ends up clashing with the parliment. James l then yells parliment and declares his own rights. -
King Charles l
Charles the first inherited the throne. Very similar to his father his behavior was one that was compared to an absolute monarchy. He also imprisoned many foes without trial and forced the nation for money. -
Raising taxes
His need to raise taxes forced Charles to summon Parliament.
To get money to support the Scottish rebellion, Charles had to summon Parliament in 1640. -
Scottish Rebellion
They needed money to preform the Scottish Rebellion, so once again Charles had to gather parliament in 1640. When everyone met the parliament had it's own rebellion. -
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The long Parliament
They had many economic issues which lead to Scottland invading. Charles then declared parliament it then began to expand its powers. Charles then comes back to say "give Ceasar his due." -
House of Commons
Led troops into the House of Commons to arrest its most radical leaders. The people there ended up escaing through the backdoor ended up producing their own army. They then went onto the battle field. -
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The Civil War
civil war that lasted for 9 years. Also two years after the english Civil War ended,Thomas Hobbes published his book called Leviathan. -
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The English Commonwealth Begins and Ends
Problems invade the nation and the Commonwealth falls apart
due to Cromwell’s death in 1658. -
Voice of Absolutism
After the Civil War a political philosipher Thomas Hobbes had written something called Leviathan. This was written about his opinion on Absolutism. -
Long Parliament
Long Parliament lasted until 1653 going on and off. The actions of this ended up triggering the greatest and best political revolution. During this struggle Charles l ended up executing the cheif minister. -
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Monarchy restored
Charles II starts to work with Parliament to fix the broken nation, but ends up coliding with parliament. Parlement rules with Cromwell as their leader and problems "plague the nation". -
James ll
Charles’s brother James II (the secnond) inherited the throne. Then the monarchy is restored and Charles II works with parliament to fix the broken nation -
James II is Forced to Flee
Charles’s brother, James II, inherited the throne in 1685. However, James was very Catholic. This showed in his rule by treating catholics with privlages and a higher office. -
William and Mary
William and Mary became england's monarch's. The parliament leaders invited the protostant Mary. Along with the dutch protostant William. -
The Glorious Revolution
During this William and Mary become Englands Monarchs. They both agreeed to have very limited power. The recieved parlements blessing and agreed to limmited powers under parlement's domination. -
mary and william
Parliamentary leaders had invited James’s daughter, Mary, and
her Protestant husband, William III of Orange, to ruler England. -
The English Bill of Rights
In order for Mary adn William to be crowned they had to have several acts passed the rights then became known as the English Bill of Rights, The bill said that any Roman Catholic cannot sit on the throne