tripps life

  • when i was born

    i was born on feb.17 2009
  • my first time at a hostpital

    i cracked my head when i was 2
  • poddytrained

    i got poddy tranned on april 18 2012
  • having speech during prek

    i took speech when i was post to be in prek
  • my first birthday party

    i had my first party at family bolling
  • hitting someone with a basketball

    i hurt some one
  • my first time playing sports

    i played baseball my first time on 08 20 2015
  • my first time having good luck in baseball

    i got a team that acuity got more than 2 wins
  • my first day in 3rd grade

    on the first day i had a star in my planner that was blue and thats good
  • my first bad day

    i got in trouble really bad i hit rease in the eye
  • picture day

    picture day my hair was slick and i was hansom really hansom
  • thanksgiving

    on thanks giving really its the day after. i got to try turkey and i got to pray for us