Prenatal Development & Birth-My birth!
I was born. Within weeks I had very light colored hair and brown eyes. I was born with and currently still have a heart murmur in the mitral valve. -
The First Two Years (Psychosocial) - Potty trained
I was just over two years old when I became fully potty trained, which is rather early. -
The First Two Years (Biosocial) - I get vaccinated
My parents begin by getting me up to date on all vaccines. Hep B, DTP, MMR etc. The only one I did not receive was the chicken pox vaccine. -
The First Two Years (Cognitive) - My first word
My first word was "Mama" -
Early Childhood (Biosocial) - Teeth brushing
I learned how to brush my teeth, and had a Little Miss Piggy rainbow colored toothbrush. -
Early Childhood (Cognitive) - Kindergarden
I started kindergarden at Bird Elementary School in Plymouth. -
Early Childhood (Psychosocial) - Play time
I began playing with my peers from school on play dates. During play dates we would usually play house, pretend to cook food in my play kitchen or play computer/video games. Even though I played with electronics, I loved playing outside and spent the majority of my time outdoors. -
Middle Chidhood (Cognitive) - Dance classes
I began taking dance classes at a very early age, but began competitive dancing at the age of ten.I did ballet, tap, jazz and pointe. -
Middle Childhood (Psychosocial) - Family structure
My good friends parents got divorced. My parents are still married, and at the time divorce was something you didn't hear much about. -
Middle Childhood (Cognitive) - School classes/testing
The ending of my elementary school years were spent testing and checking for placement in middle school. We took our first MEAP test during this time. -
Adolescence (Biosocial) - Middle school
Middle school was an incredibly difficult time in my life. My self esteem was horrible, I began starving myself, and my grades dropped dramatically. -
Adolenscence (Cognitive) - Hanging on
I left middle school with hardly passing grades. I had very few friends and was nervous about going to Canton High School. -
Adolescence (Psychosocial) - Depression/Anxiety
My parents were concerned about my declining grades but also with my lower self esteem. I was diagnosed with anxiety in eighth grade although I was not prescribed medication for it. -
Emerging Adulthood (Biosocial) - Change of friends
When I graduated high school I began working, and many of my friends moved away and went to college. The friends that stuck closer to home became involved in drinking, smoking, weed etc and I did not want any part of it. My circle of friends began to change. -
Emerging Adulthood (Cognitive) - No school
Instead of going to school I decided to continue working. I was not involved in any classes or school of any kind. I also quit dancing this year. -
Emerging Adulthood (Psychosocial) - Dating
I started dating the man that would become my frist husband. -
Adulthood (Biosocial) - Marriage/Children
I got married and had my wonderful son. -
Adulthood (Cognitive) - College
I began taking college classes at Schoolcraft College -
Adulthood (Psychosocial) - Juggling life
Being remarried and having my three year old son, my nine year old step daughter, a baby on the way and going to school and working is a lot on my plate, but it is all juggled well. I have found a happy medium between family life, my time and school/work. -
Late Adulthood (Psycholsocial) - Grandchildren
Hopefully around this time we will get to enjoy grandchildren! -
Late Adulthood (Biosocial) - Empty nest
The house will most likely be empty because our kids will either be married or away at school or living succesfully on their own. We will have time to sleep, relax and retire. -
Late Adulthood (Cognitive) - Health changes
Hopefully everyone in the family is healthy, but now would most likely be the time that we might see the early signs and symptoms of alzheimers starting to occur if its going to. -
Death and Dying
I hate to predict things that cannot be predicted-but this is the age when a typical, healthy individual passes away.