Trials and triumph timeline-Boden Peterson and

  • 69

    Polycarp A.D 69-155

    Polycarp  A.D 69-155
    Martyred for his faith
  • 272

    Constantine A.D 272-337

    Constantine A.D 272-337
    Defender of the Church.
  • 389

    Patrick A.D 389-461

    Patrick A.D 389-461
    Missionary to the Irish
  • 540

    Pope Gregory A.D 540-604

    Pope Gregory  A.D 540-604
    Was the first monk to become a pope
  • 1130

    Peter Waldo A.D 1130-1217

    Peter Waldo A.D 1130-1217
    A wealthy clothier and merchant from Lyon.
  • 1330

    John Wyclif A.D 1330-1384

    John Wyclif A.D 1330-1384
    preached actively against the worst abuses of the Roman Church of the day.
  • 1369

    John Huss 1369-1415A.D

    John Huss 1369-1415A.D
    John Huss was a preist in Prague
  • 1485

    John Calvin 1485-1536

    John Calvin 1485-1536
    theologian and ecclesiastical statesman.
  • 1514

    John Knox 1514-1572

    John Knox 1514-1572
    foremost leader of the Scottish Reformation
  • 1521

    Anne askew 1521-1546

    Anne askew 1521-1546
    Anne was the last martyr to die under the reign of Henry VIII
  • 1536

    William Tyndale 1485-1536

    William Tyndale 1485-1536
    English biblical scholar and linguist.
  • 1546

    Martin Luther 1483-1546

    Martin Luther 1483-1546
    German theologian and religious reformer who was the catalyst of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation