Treaty of Waitangi

  • Maori Petition

    Maori Petition
    A petition was sent from 13 northern Maori chiefs to King William IV, from a French ship in Bay of Islands.
  • James as the 'British Resident'

    James as the 'British Resident'
    James Busby was appointed as the official 'British Resident'.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence (He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tirene) was created by James Busby without the permission of the British Government.
  • Colony of British government in NZ

    Colony of British government in NZ
    The British government set up a colony in New Zealand.
  • William Hobson appointed as a consul

    William Hobson appointed as a consul
    William Hobson was appointed as a consul. He was told to work with the Maori chiefs to gain sovereignty over New Zealand.
  • Maori prohibited from buying land.

    Maori prohibited from buying land.
    William Hobson prohibited land purchases from the Maori.
  • Discussion of Treaty of Waitangi with the Maori and Pakeha

    Discussion of Treaty of Waitangi with the Maori and Pakeha
    A draft of the Treaty of Waitangi was discussed with 500 Maori and 200 Pakeha. The Maori were suspicious but Tamati Waka Nene persuaded them to sign the treaty.
  • The Treaty of Waitangi and chiefs

    The Treaty of Waitangi and chiefs
    The Treaty of Waitangi was signed by 40 chiefs.
  • British Sovereignty

    British Sovereignty
    William Hobson announced British sovereignty
  • Signing the Maori version of the Treaty

    Signing the Maori version of the Treaty
    By September, 500 chiefs had signed a Maori version of the Treaty of Waitangi.