Billy Bones
Billy Bones arrives at the Inn where Jim's parents owed, Billy informs Jim that if a man named Black Dog, Pew or Long John comes around to never let them in. -
Black Dog and Pew
One day Black Dog arrives, and Jim does not know it is him, he lets him in. They talked and then fault and Billy suffered a stroke.
Pew arrives a few days later, and hands Billy a note which says "Will be back at 10 o'clock" -
Jim's dad passes away from an illness, and a few hours later Billy suffers another stroke and dies. -
Jim and his mother notices Billy's treasure and goes through it. They only take what Billy owes them from the months of being there, but Jim also takes a bundle of papers. -
Pew, Black Dog, and their crew
Jim and his mother hear Black Dog, Pew, and other men at the front door of the inn, they flee from the back door. As they are escaping they hear their inn being ransacked. They go to the nearest village for help but noone is willing to help. -
Dr. Livesly and the Squire
JIm and his mother flee to the Dr's house, they show him the bundles of papers and realizes it is a treasure map. The Dr. and the Squire plan to get a crew together to look for the treasure. -
Setting Sail
The Dr, Jim, the Squire, the Captian and the other crew members set sail to treasure island. Along the way they noticed that they picked bad pirates to join them, -
Over hearing
Jim is sitting in a barrel and over hears the bad pirates talk about killing the good pirates on board and taking the ship over. Jim then realizes it is Black Dog, Pew, Long John, and their other crew. -
Reaching closer to the Island
Jim tells the Dr., the Squire, and the Captian what he heard and they made a plan to allow the bad pirates to go onto land first when they reach the Island. -
The island
They reached the island, and the plan is as followed until Jim decides to sneak on with the bad pirates. They reached the island and Jim goes his own way. He runs into a guy named Benn Gunn who used to be apart of Long John's crew. Benn explains that Long John left him here alone long ago. -
Gun Shots
The Dr, the Squire, and the Captian realize that Jim is missing. As they load a boat to go onto land they hear many gun shots, they think for sure they have found Jim and killed him. As they approach the land, and find Jim and realize that they turned against eachother. -
A war breaks out between the "good" pirates and the "bad" pirates. Many are injuryed and killed in this bloody battles, and the Captian is one of them. In despite of the injuryed Captian, the "bad" pirates surrender to the "good" pirates. -
Where is the ship going?
Jim decides to go onto the ship, and attack the rest of Long John's men. He then turns the ship around to the other side of where the "good" pirates set up camp. The Dr finds this out and gives up his camp to the "bad" pirates to go look and see what happened to his ship. -
Jim returns
Jim returns only to find Long John and his men have taken over the fort. The Dr. and his men return only to find Jim. The Dr. tells Long John to keep Jim, but the Dr. ensures Jim that he has a plan. -
Treasure Hunting
Long John, his crew, and Jim set out to find the treasure. When they reach where the treasure is supposed to be there, it has already been dug up. Long John's crew suspects that Long John has something to do with it and goes after Long John and Jim, but Long John and Jim fight off his crew and they are either killed or they have ran off. -
Out of the Bushes
Out of the bushes come the Dr., the Squire, and Benn Gunn. They inform Long John that they moved the treasure to the cave and it is ready to be loaded on the ship. They load the treasure onto the ship. -
Sailing Home
They have all the treasure loaded onto the ship, and are about to go home when the Dr. starts to regret leaving the "bad" pirates on the island so he leaves them medicine, food, and other supplies. The aboard the ship and start to sail home. -
Where is Long John?
Half way home and everyone realizes Long John is missing. Benn Gunn informs that Silver left shortly after the ship set sail, but he didn't leave empty handed he left with some gold. They were relived that they didn't have to worry about a dangerous pirate. -
Returm Home
They each got a fair share of the treasure and they all used it how they wished. Benn Gunn partied and drank all his money away, Jim put it towards his parent's Inn, The Captian bought a little house, and the Squire bought a shop.