i was born -
bother 0
bother reverse turk into garuage tryed to drive it becuase he wanted ballon at walmart crushes 8900$ dollars of stuff -
meet sister
meet half sister dads duaghter live there for 4 mounths whell dad was in prison agian -
uncles house
sent to live with uncle tell parents got out of jail fought -
rolling pin
grabama smash rolling pin over dads head bearks in half dad in jail for 3 mounths -
bother lit car on fire -
my gradama died -
bother 2
bother tries to go and live with moutian lions -
i moved to osky -
begian school here
started 5th grade here in osky -
bother 3
go into a small room to clam down botherbecuase he started to destroy school property -
dad accesed of cheating on my mom -
bother 4
bother rob a house he got into a lot of trouble with the cops -
bother 5
bother stole from church -
parents 2
parent get divorsed -
star time line -
Finish high school
i finish high school at osky -
i start learing japanes -
begian college -
Finish college
i finish college