The "Endurance"
The crew and the "Endurance" have been stranded on ice for many months and are not sure the ship will not last anyl longer -
Period: to
The "Endurance"
The crew and the "Endurance" have been stranded on ice for many months and are not sure the ship will not last anyl onger -
The "Endurance getting trapped by the ice
The sound of crushing wood was the "Endurance" crashing through the ice,minutes later the ice covered it. -
Pulling the ship
The men pulled 2,00 pound loads with harnesses straped like horses or dogs.Tom's job is to find food,one day he was sking back to camp and he gets attacked by a sea leopard.Frankie comes over and shoots the sea leopard and saves Tom. -
Going somewhere...
Shack wants to try and get to South Geogia Island,but decides to go to Elephant Island instead. While camping a night on an ice floe Schack heard a sound. The floe split and someone fell in.Shack grabbed the guy just in time before the ice floe crashed back together. -
Open water
Finally, they reached open water.They were very thirsty beacuse the salt water has spoiled all fresh water, Shack lets them suck on frozen seal meat. -
Barren land
At last Shack spotted open land but it was tottaly barren. There was only jagged peeks,but it was the only choice the men had. -
Another 800 miles...
Shack decides to take him and five other men to South Georgia Island ,another 800 miles.The men are,Frank,Tom,Jhon,Chippy and Tim.The rest stay behind on Elephant Island and use the other boats as a storage place.All the men wondered when Shack and his crew would come back. -
Chippy saves the Day!!!!
The men are worried about Greyboard on open water. Shack noticed the Greybeard... Chippy saves the day with his jagged rocks. -
"Land Ho!"
Young Mcarthy shouted "Land Ho!" They were on the other side of the Whaleing Station.It was too hard to sail to the other side. Two of the other men were sick so Tim stayed behind and took care of them,while the others tried to get to the other side. -
The three men Schack,Tom and Skipper Worsley traveled over peeks to get to the whaleing station.Eventually the men had to go down 500 foot water fall in one big slide!Lastly they reached the whaleing Station. -
Arrived to the Whaleing Station!
When they arrived at the whaleing staion,Thoralf Sorlle was shocked when he opened the door.The men pepared to go back to Elephant Island to pick up the others. In the end no life was lost!!