Transportation timeline

  • 7000 BCE

    7000 BC

    7000 BC
    The first vehicle was a sledge which is pulled by a human while another human is riding the sledge this was one of the biggest and best vehicles at that time . Nowadays we use the sledge in snow to have fun .
  • 3500 BCE

    3500 Bc

    3500 Bc
    People started using any packed material or soil to make road for traveling purposes this also was a very useful and efficient for people to use .
  • 3000 BCE


    Now people started sailing on sail boats and people used animals like bull , horse , donkey to transport . People also started using a few wheeled vehicles to .
  • 1500 BCE

    1500 - 300 BC

    1500 - 300 BC
    People started upgrading roads and making them out of stone people also started building pavements for people to walk on the pavements made the road safer to go on .
  • 800

    800 - 1100 AD

    800 - 1100 AD
    Now people started making horseshoes saddles and other upgrades for animals many people had animals so this was a great accomplishment for them and a great item to use .
  • 1200

    1200 AD

    1200 AD
    People in china invented the compass the compass was a very famous thing and helped many people that's how it spread then european mariners started to use and trade it .
  • 1769 AD

    1769 AD
    First successful steam road vehicle it was just like a car it was just as fast as a normal person walking this was a great invention which we use till date .
  • 1786 AD

    1786 AD
    First steamboat the boat was usually used to carry materials across the water only on rivers .
  • 1804 AD

    1804 AD
    First successful railroad steam it was used to carry water supply or fuel for others . Wagons were attached behind it to store materials
  • 1850 AD

    1850 AD
    They invented clipper ships ( it used sails to move ) they were good in rough sea it was a huge upgrade from the early sail ships .
  • 1863 AD

    1863 AD
    First subway came to place in london it was called the tube it would go under ground many people used it around 30,000 a day .
  • 1882 AD

    1882 AD
    The first electric railroad came into place in berlin it was as fast as 13 kilometers and hour it used a wound motor to move .
  • 1903 AD

    1903 AD
    This year the wright brothers made a plane which could actually fly it used a engine they used a propeller at the front of the plane to lift of
  • 1970 AD .

    1970 AD .
    Now the passengers would pay a fare and ride to places on a jumbo jet we still use the jumbo jet it was one of the greatest inventions of all times .
  • 1981 AD

    1981 AD
    Now people made space shuttles for astronauts to go to space the shuttle used three engines to fly it also used solid rocket boosters to provide enough thrust to lift of .