4000 BCE
Riding Animals
Humans learned to use horses and donkeys for getting around. -
3500 BCE
The Wheel
The wheel was invented in Iraq and the first wheel was made from wood. -
3100 BCE
The sailing boat was invented by Egyptians while the Romans built roads across Europe. -
3000 BCE
Camels are domesticated. -
Turnpike Roads
The first turnpike roads open. Turnpikes are privately owned and maintained but you have to pay to use them. Their name comes from an old word for a gate, pike. In towns the wealthy are carried by sedan chairs. -
Bridgewater Canals
The Bridgwater Canal opens. Many more canals are dug in the late 18th and early 19th century. -
Hot Air Balloon
The hot air balloon and the hydrogen balloon are invented. -
Horse drawn omnibuses run in London -
This is the great age of railway building. A network is built across Britain. -
Underground Railway
The first underground railway opens in London. On it carriages are pulled by steam trains. -
The car is invented. -
Traffic Meters
The first traffic meters are installed in the USA -
Jet Service
The first passenger jet service starts -
The hovercraft is invented by Christopher Cockerell. -
Channel Tunnels
The Channel Tunnel opens