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Transportation History Time Line Assignment

By mas6237
  • 4000 BCE


    The first transportation was man kind walk or riding horses that are domesticated and could deliver at a faster pace than before.
  • 3500 BCE


    Wheels were invented in 3500 BC and were made in Iraq.
  • 3100 BCE

    Sailing the Seas

    Sailing the Seas
    In 3,100 BC boats were created and were created in Egypt making the sea open for traveling.
  • 3000 BCE


    Other than horses being a way to travel Egyptian started riding camels in 3,000 BC to 2,000 BC.
  • 2700 BCE

    Wooden Ships

    Wooden Ships
    Egyptians in c 2,700 BC started making wooden ships that would be used for far trade in the sea.
  • 12


    The Compass is invented in Europe. The rudder comes into use in Europe. However on land roads are just dirt tracks.
  • 100


    A vast network of roads exists across the Roman Empire. Roman merchant ships carry up to 1,000 tons of cargo.
  • Packed Horses and Ships

    Packed Horses and Ships
    Goods are transported by pack horse. Goods are also transported around the coast of Britain by ship.
  • Royal Messenger

    Royal Messenger
    Charles I allows the public to pay his messengers to carry letters. It is the beginning of the Royal Mail.
  • Hot Air Ballon

    Hot Air Ballon
    The hot air balloon and the hydrogen balloon are invented in 1783.
  • Steam Ship

    Steam Ship
    Steamships begin crossing the English Channel.
  • Underground Trains

    Underground Trains
    The first electric underground trains run in London invented in 1890
  • Planes

    Planes begin carrying passengers between London and Paris invented time in 1919.
  • Traffic Light

    Traffic Light
    The first electric traffic lights in Britain are installed in London invented in 1925.
  • Highway Codes

    Highway Codes
    In Britain the first Highway Code is published invented in 1931