The steam powered car
The first steam-powered vehicle, with three wheels, is invented in France -
The electric car
The electric car is invented in Scotland. -
The modern motorcycle
The modern motorcycle is invented in Germany. -
The cable streetca
The cable streetcar is invented in the United States. -
internal-cumbustion engine
The first car with internal-combustion engine is invented in Germany. -
The first car is run by gasoline in the United States. -
The tractor
The tractor is invented in the United States. -
The diesel engine
The diesel engine is invented in Germany. -
The hybrid car
The hybrid car is invented in the United States. -
The Model T car
The Model T car is the first car mass produced on an assembly line in the United States. -
The traffic signal
The traffic signal is invented in the United States. -
The seat belt
The seat belt is invented in Sweden. -
The Roller blades
Roller blades are invented in the United States -
The segway
The Segway human transporter is invented in the United States.