Updated cars and planes

By tya101
  • 1200

    Before the inventions

    Before the inventions
    Before cars, steam boats, and trains, all we did was travel by feet, or on horses and carriages. Before engines were created so that vehicles could move and we didn't have to travel by feet or horse back, or in carriages. People would travel by feet and on horses maybe around 1200-1400
  • Traveling in air

    Traveling in air
    On December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Oliver Wright invented the first powered aircraft, which became successful. After that came more and more planes
  • Updated planes and cars

    Updated planes and cars
    Planes and cars were starting to get more upgrades. cars went from carriages to a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro and to the the cars we have today. Planes have also changed, they went from the Louis and Clark first invention of the plane, to carrier planes, passenger planes and to jets for the military, even some helicopters.