• transporation

    for transportation they mostly used trains cause they didnt have cars
  • fashion

    back then they didnt have much cloths options. some people even had to make there own cloths.
  • battle of brittin

    battle of brittin
    this battle was a very harsh and bad battle alot of people died from this and got hurt. this battle was also started by german alot of bombs were fired
  • toys

    they played with the magic 8 ball, pogo sticks, scrabble, and a few more. alot of the time they would make up there own games since they didnt have everything.
  • technolgy

    the number 1 thing they used was radors. those helped out alot when they were walking or on a train to see if they were going the right way or not
  • sports figure

    sports figure
    tom harmon played football in 1940 and he was most peoples favorite football player. he was known as the old 90
  • movie

    the great dictator, this movie is a commady movie. the person who made this movie was named charli and this was his first movie he ever made.
  • actor

    henrey fonda was the actor in 1940 he played in once apona time in the west his last few years he played as a darker actress. he also played in holywood.
  • tv or radio show

    tv or radio show
    abc barn dance was one of the most famous shows in 1940. abc barn dance was on every monday night
  • u.s president

    u.s president
    franklin d rossevelt was the president in 1940, franklin had a big heart and decided to help out 10 familys that rrally needed his help
  • music

    cliff edwards was one of the most famous singers in the 1940 he moved when he was 14 just to move to st louis to learn more about music