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    Walking was the first meathod of transportation used by the thge first humans and is still used today.
  • 300

    dugout canoe

    dugout canoe
    dug pout canoes are dated all the way back to the stone age, they were use to cross rivers and lakes. They were made out of logs that had been carved into a boat with a sharp rock.
  • 500

    Wooden cart with wheels

    Wooden cart with wheels
    wheels were a big hit they wrer made out of wood for a long time. They were used on carts for farming and were a big help. After the wheels were invented new plans for new transpotation became more realistic.
  • Jan 27, 1000

    horse and chariot

    horse and chariot
    Horses were used on farms and later on were a big part of olden day transportation. They were used to pull carts, chariots and carriges to transport food, goods, people etc.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    European sailing ships

    European sailing ships
  • The first submarine

    The first submarine
    Cornelis Drebbel invented the first submarine - a human oared submersible
  • the first pratical steam boat

    the first pratical steam boat
    First practical steamboat demonstrated by Marquis Claude Francois de Jouffroy d'Abbans - a paddle wheel steamboat
  • the first hot air balloon

    the first hot air balloon
    The Montgolfier brothers invent the first hot air balloons
  • The first cable car

    The first cable car
    The first cable car was invented but were only available to the rich.
  • the fist helecopter

    the fist helecopter
    the first helecopter was invented.
  • Hovercraft

    the hovercraft was invented.
  • the first space shuttle

    the first space shuttle
    the fisrt space shuttle was launched
  • River boat

    River boat
    river boats were made for carring things across rivers. they were used to carry food, skin ect. they were a big improvement on the dugout canoe.
  • new cars and iventions till this day have been invented like

    new cars and iventions till this day have been invented like
    Really modern cars and planes. people have been to the monn and robots have been to Mars. Trasportation will keep on evolving.