Feb 23, 1492
Flying Veicles
In 1492 Leonardo da vinci came up with the theory of flying machines, and had over 100 drawings that illustrated his theorys on flight -
1620, Submarines
In 1620, a man named Cornelis Drebbel Invented the first submarine -
1662, horse drawn bus
In 1662, someone called Blaise Pascal invented the first ever public bus, this was horse-drawn. -
1740, Clockwork drawn carrige
Jacques de Vaucanson demonstrates his clockwork powered carriage -
Steam boats
In 1783, the first ever practical steam boat was made and tested. -
hot air baloons
In 1783, the Montgolfier brothers invent the first hot air balloons -
1790, Bicycles
In 1790, the first ever bike was invented, they were used alot in this time. -
First hydrogen gas powered vehicle
In Isaac de Rivas makes a hydrogen gas powered vehicle - first with internal combustion power - however, very unsuccessful design. -
Steamboat with passenger service.
Robert Fulton's Clermont invented the first ever steamboat with passenger service.