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fats waller
Fats Waller was a jazz musician and professional piano player he wrote aint misbehaving and honey sack rose he was very famous in the black community for his jazz and radio show -
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red scare
red scare Italian anarchists sets off bomb at general palmers house one of the raids they did the fear of communists led the government to violate many civil rights -
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19th Amendment
The cause of the 19th amendment was because of the women suffrage so that woman would be able to vote the effect was that women can vote now ended women suffrage the amendment also failed to bring men and women equal rights in business and economics -
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National Origin Act
national origin act of 1924 servery restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and excluded Asians after WW1 modified the emergency quota act 1921 from 3% -
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Emergency qouta act
The act legislation restricted now immigration of 3% of the number of residents per year from ethnic country of origin all ready living in the united states the act of the immigrant helped the economy out -
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Teapot Dome scandal
Events leading to the scandal was the Harding administration Harding was elected in 1920 During the Teapot Dome scandal, Pres Harding appointed personal friends the Ohio gang who turned out to be dishonest. The interiors leased oil rich government lands at Teapot Dome Wyoming business friends to exchange bribes the scandal uncovered just after Harding's death in 1923 one of the worst scandals in US history. Additional scandals emerged in other departments. Harding's poor choices for -
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original people formula
in 1923 the groups for ''my flag'' to be replaced by the of the united states the organization felt that with so many immigrants coming to the country that it was important coming to the country that it was important for new comers to affirm their loyalty to the US in the 1954 -
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original pledge formula
in 1923 the group for ''my flag'' were to be replaced by the flag of the US. The organization felt that with so many immigrants coming to the country that it was important for new comers to affirm their loyalty to the US in 1954 the words ''under god'' was added to our pledge in a response to communism because communist dont believe in god -
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Nativism in the 20s & 30s
nativists believed white protestant america were superior to other people it led to new restrictions on immigration the migration of Africa Americans increased racial tensions after the war -
henry ford
the assembly line production was so efficient he was able to double wages over night while slashing prices ford was producing 1.6 million cars a year at 30$ per car by 1925 one car was rolling off fords assembly line every ten sec -
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Charles Lindbergh
became the first person to fly across the Atlantic ocean in 1927. His airplane is called ''the spirit of st. Louis He traveled from island New York to Paris France Charles Lindbergh became national hero he also laid the foundation for the future development of transcontinental aviation