The government should continually review transgender in the military
The defense secretary said that the topic of transgender in the military should be continually checked up -
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr speaks about human rights
The Vice president speaks about human rights and how if transgender or LGBT want to serve our country then can -
Transgender were allowed in the military
In 2016 transgender and LGBTs were allowed in the military but were not liked -
Can have transgender in the military
Mr.Carter made a RAND to allow transgender to be in the military ans it would cost little and have no significant impact on unit readiness -
Barrier Removed
Transgender Americans may serve openly said by Mr. Carter -
Worries about a new administrator
The government feared that their new president will not allow transgender in the military -
Trumps Post
Trumps tweets that transgender should not and will not be allowed in the military -
Trump updates his tweet
Trump says undated his tweet by saying that transgenders will not be permitted in the military -
Formation of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation
Occupant of the White House, to ban all transgender human from being allowed to serve their country in the United States armed forces. -
Trump Attacks the transgenders in the military
It is the largest employer of transgender and there are only 15000 left