Traditional and New Media

  • 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    a machine that allowed books to be made and shared with people all around the world.
  • Newspaper

    a publication containing written information about current events. (source: merriam webster)
  • Magazine

    Benjamin Franklin is the person to have the first idea of the magazine. Magazine is a type of book that contain stories, essays, and features.
  • Phone

    a system that uses wires and radio signals to send sounds, texts, images etc.
  • Radio

    transmitting radio waves to reach a wide audience.
  • Television

    Used for transmitting moving images in monochrome or in colour. Television is also used for the mass media and for entertainment.
  • Internet

    the internet was first used for military purposes but years passed internet is now used for sharing information, communication, and connecting people.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. (source: google)