Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was Born inTuskegee, Alabama, 04/02/1913.Her mother, leona Edwards was a teacher and her father, James McCauley was a carpenter. -
Rosa Parks marries Raymond Parks, a barber who was also an activist of NAACP.Their wedding isn't big wedding with just Alabama. -
Rosa Parks got her education at home and at rural school in Pine Level.she also attended Industrial school for girls in Montgomery.Washington high school her grandmother was very sick and there is no body to take care of her.But she finally received high school diploma when she was 20 years old after she was married because of the help of her husband to finish her school. -
Rosa Parks becomes of NAACP.When she first joined the NAACP.Mr.E.D.Nixon was president and only two women were Johnnie Carr and her. -
movement agains inequality
Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery. -
Civil Rights Movement
Rosa Parks also participes in Civil Rights March on Washington to push for federal civil-rights laws and speaks at SCLC´s annual meeting.