Mussolini takes power in Italy
In attempts to prevent a civil war, the king of Italy allowed Mussolini to take power so he could form a new type of government called facism. Mussolini was a ruthless leader. -
U.S. Stock Market Crashes
As a result of the Stock Market Crash, millions of people went bankrupt, unemployed or homeless. Thousands of banks and companies closed down as well. -
Japan seizes Manchuria
Japan's invasion of Manchuria caused the United States to cut off Japan's supply of oil. It also proved that the League of Nations didn't have much power to enforce their orders. -
FDR is elected president
When the war first started, FDR respected the American citizens' requests to stay neutral. But after the attack on Pearl Harbor, America changed their minds and wanted revenge on Japan. -
Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany
After Hitler became Chancellor, he invaded Poland. This invasion led to France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany, starting WWII. -
Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler dramatically increased the size and power of Germany's army, trained more men, and expanded the amount of ships their navy had. As a result, Nazi power grew as well. -
Italy invades Ethiopia
This invasion sparked a war between the two countries. The war is best known for its exploitation of the League of Nation's weaknesses. -
France militarizes the Rhineland
France had strict control over all the industrial regions. Execution was ordered to anybody who refused to work. -
Civil War erupts in Spain
Spain was divided into "loyalists" and "republicans." This war helped Germany come up with new equipment that affected the war. -
Japan invades China
Japan desperately needed to more supplies and resources to help fund their army and economy and thought that by invading China they could aquire the means necessary. -
The annexation of Hitler unionized Austria and Germany politcally. This also marked the beginning of Hitler sending Jews, Communists, and other social and racial miniorities to concentration camps. -
Munich Conference
This was an agreement made that allowed Germany to annex Sudetenland. -
Also called "The Night of Broken Glass," this was a series of attacks on Jews throughout Germany, as Hitler blamed the Jews for all of Germany's problems. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
This was an agreement made between Russia and Germany that said that neither country would attack the other for a certain amount of time. They also agreed to trade certain goods and raw materials. -
Germany invades Poland
This is the event that is considered the beginning of WWII. This invasion also influenced France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany. -
U.S. Neutrality Act
After Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, this act allowed for the trading or arms with fighting nations on a cash-and-carry basis. -
Phony War
This was the period where neither side performed any military operations. -
This was the evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk because of the German onslaught. -
Churchill is elected Prime Minister in England
Churchill was an excellent speaker and did a good job at rallying his country and troops when they most needed it. -
Japan seizes French Indochina
This invasion was made in attempts to stop China from importing weapons through this region. -
France Surrenders
Germany invaded France and took control of Paris. Under the signed armistace, two thirds of France was under German control. -
Battle of Britain
This was Hitler's first defeat. This also reassured the US and other countries that Britain could survive the war. -
Lend-Lease Act
This act allowed the US to supply Allied forces with war supplies, which formally ended the United States' neutrality. -
Atlantic Charter
Written by the US and Great Britain, this Charter stated the general goals of the war. Eventually all Allied countries agreed to this. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japan led an onslaught on the US's Pacific Fleet which was only crippled by the attack. This led to the declaration of war on Japan by the United States. Eventually Germany and Italy declared war on the United States as well.