Toussaint Louverure Haitin Revolution

By M2wh1T
  • Birth/ Background

    Birth/ Background
    Born in Modern Day Haiti on May 20th, 1743
    He was the son of a smart slave (Francois Dominique Toussaint)
    Born into slavery
  • Freed from slavery

    In 1776 Toussaint was finally free of slavery. But kept working but was paid and made enough to rent a plantation of his own and was able to purchase a few slaves to help him out with labor.
  • Toussaint effect on the Haitin Revolution

    Toussaint effect on the Haitin Revolution
    In Saint-Domingue, a significant slave uprising started in August 1791. Toussiant helped his previous owner to escape, then joined his brethren in the revolt.
  • War

    Around 1793 a war broke out between Spain and France. Toussaint helps out Spain to get back at France for the years he was enslaved.
  • The switch

    The switch
    In 1794 Tossiant realized that Spain had not abolished slavery so he turned to the French who had.
  • Leadership

    In 1796 Tossiant becomes the governor-general of Saint Dominique.
  • Takedown of Spain

    Takedown of Spain
    In 1799, Tossiant plans to conquer Spain with help from the British
  • Battle

    In 1801 Tossiants army is too much for Spain and they overrun them.
  • Capturing

    In 1802, After a fake meeting that was a trap, Toussaint was captured and imprisoned.
  • Death

    In 1803, In his cell, Tossiant unfortunately passes and left his legacy for the books