Toussaint Louverture of the Haitan Revolution

  • Toussaint Louverture was born

    Toussaint Louverture was born
    On May 20, 1743, Toussaint Louverture was born into slavery. Toussaint knows how to read and write, causing him to be better educated than other slaves.
  • Toussaint Louverture freed

    Toussaint Louverture freed
    In 1776, Toussaint Louverture was freed by his owner. He eventually gets married and has two sons.
  • The first slave rebellions

    The first slave rebellions
    On August 22, 1791, there was a slave rebellion. Louverture joined in. Plantations are being destroyed, slave owners are being executed, and slaves took control of cities. The French Revolution inspired the Haitian Revolution. Slaves not only wanted freedom, but they wanted the French to stop taking control of Saint-Domingue. The French colony produces sugar, coffee, and cocoa, causing many Africans to be enslaved onto plantations. Whites are currently oppressing black slaves.
  • Toussaint allies with the French

    Toussaint allies with the French
    France and Spain go against each other at war. Toussaint Louverture switches his allegiance to France against Spain.
  • Toussaint becomes General

    Toussaint becomes General
    Toussaint Louverture became the governor-general of Saint-Domingue. During his time being involved in government, he created a government that black slaves ran. He made the plantation system pay black workers, and worked to improve economy and security. He is an excellent general and military leader.
  • Treaty was signed

    Treaty was signed
    Toussaint Louverture has signed a treaty with general Thomas Maitland of Britain.
  • Slaves are freed

    Slaves are freed
    Toussaint Louverture frees slaves in Hispanola in 1801.
  • The Saint-Domingue Constitution

    The Saint-Domingue Constitution
    On July 1, 1801, Toussaint Louverture declares the creation of the Saint-Domingue Constitution. It bans racial discrimination and slavery.
  • Toussaint captured

    Toussaint captured
    Napoleon Bonaparte sent his brother to capture Toussaint Louverture. He was deported to France and imprisoned.
  • Toussaint's Death

    Toussaint's Death
    While imprisoned in France, Toussaint Louverture died of pneumonia and malnutrition.